Thank you Miss Jodi from
The Unsoccer Mom ! I am excited to be one of your recipients of this award. I will now follow the rules (or try to!) Here goes nothing!
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you
2. Share seven facts about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 7 bloggy friends
4. Contact those bloggy friends to congratulate them
7 Facts
1. I am a devout Catholic (and a sinner) ;)
2. I am married to my soul mate
3. I am a proud mother of a beautiful little girl and a proud stepmom of three terrific kiddos
4. I have VERY thick hair and it is naturally curly- I do a chemical straightner a couple times a year to keep my hair as tame as possible
5. My mom and I are going to start a vegetable garden together this year- stay tuned- we haven't been known for our green thumbs!
6. I have lost 10 pounds in three weeks and I don't want to stop losing!
7. I have a VERY busy Spring...and I am excited for all of the "busy-ness"
I will now pass on this award to 7 bloggers:
1. Mel @
The Larson Lingo
This is my all time favorite blog. I have never met Mel but I feel we have met in another life- we have so much in common! It is crazy- she shares great tales of motherhood and very creative recipes and decorating ideas AND she is a super photographer!
2. Christine @
Bun & Borough
Christine is from Massachusetts but now resides in NYC. I love reading her stories about running and get very inspired by them as well as her fashion suggestions
3. Kat @
Pretty in Pink & Green
Kat is a super mom! I love looking at her photos of home life down south as well as her beautiful girls...she makes life beautiful!
4. Marta @
Haus of Girls
Marta is an inspiration as she is a mom to three beautiful girls AND an athlete! She seems like Super Woman and her blog is also one of my faves!
5. Lindsay @
Mama Castner
Lindsay and I used to work together. We now keep in touch via each other's blogs! LOVE the internet AND looking at pictures of her beautiful boy!
6. Sharon @
Pfitzauf in the Alps
Sharon is one of my BFFs and now resides in France. Our blogs help us to keep in touch with the daily happenings in each other's households...again thank GOD for the internet!
7. Jacinda @
Prudent Baby
Jacinda is my creative...almost famous friend! This site she and one of her pals created is a national sensation! I visit Prudent Baby frequently for creative suggestions and even general parenting tips!
Have a wonderful day everyone! Happy Blog Reading :)