So I was stuck in the hospital last year for back to school and although I was thrilled with the arrival of my daughter, I had a pain in my heart for missing seeing Ally and Zack off to school. Rob raced home and made sure he got the obligatory first day of school shot on the camera but I cannot seem to locate the picture right now!
Anyway, it was back to business for us this morning and this year is a very special year. Kayla, though missing from our photos, started up at UNH on Monday and we are so proud of her. We know, as I am sure she does, the best days of her life are imminent! (so Jealous!!!)Ally is going into her Junior Year at Salem High School and she is the goalie for the SHS Varsity Field Hockey team- we are very proud of her.
Zack is starting high school today!!!!! He is not starting at just any high school either- he is starting at the very first high school in Windham, NH- Windham High School.
He said to me last night..."Holly I am excited but I bet you are 10 times more excited than me right? and I asked, "why bud?" His response? "Because you put so much work into it, you must be proud." That moment last night made all of my work, public ridicule, cease and desist from the Attorney General and PTA backlash so worth it. I fought for him and future children and we won. Most people have forgotten what the PTA and I did to get to this point but that is ok. The person that matters most, knows in his heart and he will benefit from every piece of it and that is what is important!
We took some family shots this morning and "Monk" enjoyed watching Zack and Daddy play their Driveway Football game which has been a long-running tradition...I felt America in my heart this morning. There is nothing like that.
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