So...we were scheduled to have our next book club meeting last night and we needed to postpone due to some leaky roofs (isn't that the story everywhere in New England right now?) Ugh! We have had more snow in December alone than we had for the entire Winter last year! You all know how I feel about Winter too- YUCK!
As always, though, we are making the most of it!
Our book this month was Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is a true story about the author and just amazing. She talks about her painful divorce and her different stages of healing. She ate her way through Italy (my favorite part of course)...then prayed her way through India and then loved again in Indonesia. A best seller and an Oprah approved book- a must read!
Can't wait until we do get together and talk about it!
Last night, Kayla and I practiced the first part of the book anyway and had a nice dinner at the Blackwater Grille in Salem...Rob was playing so we had a chance to catch part of his gig while we sat at the bar too...very nice night..and the place was decorated so beautifully....Linda has done such a wonderful job with this restaurant!
Then of course, on the way home, we stopped at one of our favorite destinations- Starbucks at Barnes and Noble. I got a hot chocolate (so I could feel like a little kid again) and she got a white peppermint mocha or somethin' fancy like that!
Fun little night...even though we only did the Eat and Love parts! :)
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