So....we always have a fantastic holiday bash with my company. This year, Bill decided to take us all to Foxwoods overnight. He never lets us down!
When did we go you ask? Thursday!!!!!!!!! The day of the Nor'easter? Well, the girls were allowed to leave the office at noon. By the time we closed up business and got organized, we didn't get on the road until 12:30, however, it made a world of difference. As scary as it was driving down there, Kim was our hero. She got us there safely in her awesome Altima with navigation AND new snow tires! It only took us a little over three hours.
The guys? That's another story. They left an hour and a half after us and it ended up taking them 9 hours!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how they did it. Dave V was their hero- he drove the whole way.
What surprised us the most, after their horrific ride, is that they showed up in the best moods! So we got busy with our Secret Santa right away.
Dave V had me and I got four classic albums- hysterical! I knew my hubby would enjoy them even more than I will- Partridge Family, Fabian, Breakin' Soundtrack and The Osmonds. I had Kim and since she always looks half her age, I got her a "Miss 21 sash" that she wore around Foxwoods all night and a card game for girls' nights outs and a great bottle of Pinor Noir which is her favorite wine. We had some laughs.
Kim got Smitty and signed him up for a chip of the month club (since he is a chip junkie). Jen had Bill and got him the Marathon Shirt from the Office (his favorite show). Smitty got Steve a Notre Dame shirt (because he went to BC and they are arch rivals) and there were many more funny exchanges.
Since the guys were so late- we did dinner in the room. The rest of the night consisted of gambling and laughs. Denise and I were the first ones to go to bed at 12:30- some stayed up until 4am- don't know how they do it!
The next morning, Bill took us out for brunch. We all agreed that we are very lucky to have each other and even luckier that we love working with each other so much!
The picture of the four girls here was at a restaurant on Thurs night- we were killing time waiting for the guys (who still had another four hours to go!)
The picture of the entire group is breakfast on Friday morning- I think everyone looks great especially for getting such little sleep!!!
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