So....we ventured out last night to the drama "Journey to Bethlehem" presented by the Windham Bible Chapel.
It was an interesting experience. Yes, the kids were dreading it but when all was said it done, we had a blast.
I would highly recommend the event for older kids (like my stepkids) but it was too educational and long and drawn out for Baby Alexis who accompanied us with her parents Cass and Steve. She was actually very good for over an hour but after that, she had enough and actually so did we.
We were disappointed that we didn't get to enjoy the hike portion of it where you go on a trail wtih a guide to find Baby Jesus. We did enjoy, the play and the movie though- boy did we have some laughs! Only us- the Griswolds!! ha ha
We went back to our house after for some cocoa and dessert and the kids were coaxing Alexis to walk...we did get to see three steps- she is so cute!!!!!
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