
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Currently: July 2024


Hi Friends!  It is the start of a brand new month and pretty much my favorite month of the year...so I am off trying to make it a great one!

In the meantime, I am linking up with Jennifer and talking about what is happening here Currently...we are covering the following...Loving, Looking Forward To, Savoring, Celebrating, and Remembering.


Here we go...





My Summer Walks...especially the ones with my girl XO




Looking Forward To


Floating...on this bad boy...in the pool...






 These hot summer days....and all of the blooms...





The fact that real estate is trending upwards- more homes sold again- higher sale prices- good news at the macro level for sure!






Our trip to Italy last summer and how much it was like a true dream...the tea flavors at Fuel Good this week are giving me a pain in my heart...

So...what's new with YOU Currently?


Maria Rineer said...

That pool float looks amazing! Love all of the colors of summer- from the fun plasticy things like pool toys to beautiful flowers. Your tea place in town sounds really good. Glad you are enjoying summer!

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