
Monday, August 31, 2020

Hello Monday and Scenes from a Beautiful Summer Weekend



 It was a beautiful summer weekend in New England and really enjoyed it...only one more weekend until the kids go back to school!  Linking up with Heather and the Crew HERE

and sharing some scenes from our weekend.....





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Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Favorites


 Happy Friday Friends!  First things first...
Happy Birthday to my Dear Friend Janie...yeah!!!

and our family friend Morgan is heading off to college today- Good luck Morgan!

NOW!  My favorite day of the week is here- Fri Yay- woohoo!
As always, sharing some favorites from our week (and really including the last few weeks)
Fave MEMEs


Cake By The Ocean

My bestie BA and I had to try this cocktail at a restaurant in our town- it is called Cake By The Ocean which is "Our Song" and there is a long and funny story behind it...this was ceremonial and pure joy

These Two

What a special friendship they have really created...they have been together every week this summer and it warms my heart...they both had their passion taken away from them this summer- no theater camp- so they got together and did their own thing instead...following our advice and that is to follow the joy!

Celebrating Papa Pete

We loved celebrating my Dad's birthday- boy did we have some laughs!!

Old Photos

While at my parents last weekend, I snapped some shots of some old photos....they are dark and grainy but you will get the idea and they warm my heart
College Graduation

Our Rehearsal Dinner

Summer of 2000

Dad's 65th Birthday

Special Gift

My bestie Bethany gave me one of her friends' handmade bracelets again but this one is now my absolute favorite...I am sure you can see why :)

That's a wrap...short and sweet...hope you all have a beautiful weekend...we are soaking up our last days of summer in these parts!
Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Monthly Musings- End Of Summer and Back To School!


 Please join Patty 
and me today...we are chatting all things Back To School and End of Summer...See the questions above!
1. Do We Have Kids Going Back to School?  What Does It Look Like?

Well, as always, where we live is complicated- our town is difficult- nothing is ever cut and dry and everything is a fight.  I see it first hand now since my husband is on our school board and right now is pure torture.  Anyway, we have two different scenarios in our home this Fall.

Eva is going into 1st Grade and she is able to attend all 5 days.  Diana is going into 7th Grade and she has to follow a hybrid model.  This is very frustrating especially when all of her friends in surrounding towns are going five days/week.  The reason being is that so many people wanted their kids in five days/week and we just don't have the room to do the proper social distancing.  Blah blah blah....

I am sorry if I sound negative but if my husband would let me move to the next town over, I would in a heartbeat!!  Anyway, we will make it work and this is what it will look like for us
2. Do we have any Back To School Traditions?
Yes we have a few.  First things first, we shop for new clothes and school supplies.  On the first day of school, we have our tradition of pictures where we write on a chalk board the grades the girls are going into and I always make a special dinner.  This year, I have a PTA meeting that night too (unfortunately it is on Zoom)

3. Did I have any Back To School Traditions growing up?

Yes about the same ones I am sharing with my girls now..that is where it all came from!

4. New lunchbox?  Backpack?  Both?

Both...although Diana is in middle school and we can't call it a lunch box anymore...it is a lunch bag/satchel ;)

5. Any special Back to School meals?

This year I am making spaghetti with oil and garlic- an old Italian tradition and one of my girls' favorite dishes!

6. What Are the Back To School Outfits?

Diana will be wearing a romper and her Birkenstock sandals and Eva will be wearing a copy of last year's outfit (her request)- White Tee, Gray Tulle Skirt with Polka Dots, Denim Vest and Sparkly Silver Shoes with a big bow in the hair!  

7. Especially this year, how will you stay organized and get into a routine?

In "normal years" it takes me a good two weeks to get into the new school/dance/activities routine while balancing a full time career.  Bottom line, I am exhausted every night!  This year, I am expecting that it will take us a little longer.  The first two weeks, for both girls, will be hybrid.  After that, when Eva goes back full time, I expect that we will take another two weeks to get settled.  Our family calendar is key and like  I have mentioned before, meal planning helps to eliminate some stress anyway.

8. Do I have any End of Summer plans?

Lea and I are going away for my birthday- I am so excited to have one on one time with her and to be able to distract her for awhile from some sadness in her family....and as far as the kids are concerned, just swimming as much as possible!

9. What are we looking forward to this school year?

The Spring!  No joke...we are hoping and praying for a vaccine and a return to more normal activities.  For Diana, that will mean her usual three shows in the spring and getting back to live theater!

10. Do we give teacher gifts?

We usually do on the holidays, not the beginning of school

That was fun.  Wishing you all a healthy and successful school year in your parts of the world!

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