
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Beef Tenderloin with Blue Cheese Sauce


For the Beef:
Beef Tenderloin- Size of Your Choice
Butter, Salt & Pepper to Taste

For the Sauce:
4 ounces of blue cheese
1/3 cup of mayo
2/3 cup of sour cream
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce


For the Beef:
Melt butter in frying pan
Salt and Pepper the beef
Sear beef until golden brown- about 5 minutes on each side
Once beef is browned put pan in oven- 400 degrees for 10-20 minutes (depending on the size of the tenderloin)
Once you take it out of the oven, it will continue cooking
Let it rest for 10-15 minutes

For the Sauce:
In a saucepan, add all ingredients
Warm and stir frequently (Do Not  Boil)

Once beef has rested, slice and top with this delicious sauce

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday! (January 2016)

Linking Up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer HERE

So...here it is......

What We're Eating This Week

It's Crock Pot Season!  Once a week, I pull out the crock pot and make us a nice warm dinner
Here are some of the things I have been making lately...great recipes...I usually find them on Pinterest and sometimes Mel's blog!

Chicken Tortilla Soup
(that is one of Mel's Specialties.  You can find it HERE

Creamy Tortellini Soup
You can find that one HERE

Crock Pot Chicken Lemon Soup with Spinach and Orzo
I blogged about this one so you can find that HERE

and Shay's Chicken Margarita Soup became a new fave- Delish!
You can find it HERE

What I'm Reminiscing About?

The Christmas Season....Still...I am never like this but this year was so wonderful, down to every little detail....the traditions....The Hallmark movies...the decorations...the recipes....the music....and watching it all through through the eyes of my little girls...pure magic...I still have a pain in my heart

This was our first "Jammie Christmas"...one of my favorite nights this past season :)

What I'm Loving
Having My Hubby Home!  
He doesn't travel often but when he does, it is very hard
I miss him so much!
So glad he had safe travels and he is back in action :)

What We've Been Up To

It has been a pretty active January for us.
We usually hibernate all month because of the cold and the snow but the weather hasn't been too bad and we have been keeping busy and doing some fun things.

The month started with our Wolverines Cheer Banquet which was a blast

and that night, we enjoyed celebrating Aaron's graduation from the Art Institute of Boston

This past weekend started with a fundraiser for the Basketball League in town
We had a great night with friends; dualing pianos, dinner and drinks!
Here is a shot of the girls at the end of the night...think we had a blast?

On Saturday, I had a Surprise Sprinkle for my Mama Friend Jill who is Expecting Baby #5!
She makes it look easy!!  It was such a lovely day :)

Saturday Night, Rob was playing with a band from town.
I was so wiped from a long week of having him away and then our other weekend festivities, that I totally bailed.  He actually gave me the out and said, you are wiped, just crash.  So I did- kind of.
Diana had a birthday party at a friend's house so when I went to pick her up, I ended up getting talked into staying for a bit and "socializing."  Did I mention I LOVE our town; have met so many wonderful people and have made great friends!

Yesterday, we got Eva on the ice for the first time.
She is Daddy's only hope for a hockey player and guess what?  She LOVED it....she cried when we were leaving!  It was SO CUTE
Check her out! #futurehockeyplayer

What I'm Dreading?

Snow...Ice....I know it sounds old...we have been lucky so far this Winter
Most of the East Coast got walloped this weekend but the storm stopped south of Boston and we got NOTHING in NH....I am still dreading the big storms...I know we will get at least a few in February

What I'm Working On....

My health...found an AWESOME new App that is helping me with my running
It is called "Running"...too funny right?  It designs a running program based on your level and goals
It helps me get running into my daily exercise routine
It is a Redrock App and it is Running for Weight Loss
This is what the Icon Looks Like

What I'm Excited About?

SPRING...I can't help it...I come alive like all of the buds on the trees....can't wait for fresh air...planting flowers and veggies and spending time outside again!

What I'm Watching/Reading?

Well I couldn't wait for this post this month
I couldn't wait to share with you all of the shows I have been binge watching!
I have found some great ones lately!  Gotta love Netflix!

Have you seen Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?
It's hysterical (Netflix Series-Check It Out!)
Kimmy was kidnapped and kept in a bunker for 15 years with some other girls
She is rescued and decides to move to NYC and the show is about her little adventures and discoveries...sometimes it feels like no time has past!

and on TV Land, two new great shows I binge watched and caught up so now enjoying

Liza finds out that her husband has gambled most of their savings away and was cheating so she finds herself divorced and on her own.  Her daughter is in college and is spending a semester abroad in India. Liza must now find a job for the first time in over 15 years.  She has no luck at first so then decides to pretend she is 26 and lands a job in a flash.  She also finds herself thrown into a relationship with a very hot 20 something too....oh the tales she is weaving....so much fun!

Oh the words these teachers use...sound just like the teachers I know
The shenanigans
The crushes on some Dads.....
pure belly laughs

My guilty pleasure 
Dance Moms on Lifetime

and my regular shows....of which I am waiting on their return starting this week!

Jane The Virgin

Life...In Pieces


and then The Affair...what an amazing Season Finale...will have to wait until the Fall for this gem to return....sigh....

What I'm Reading 
Emily Griffin's The One & Only

What I'm Listening To
Pretty Much Pop and Then the Sirius XM 90's

What I'm Wearing

My new snow boots!  Love them!  Makes me okay with a little bit of snow anyway

and Old Navy's High Rise Skinny Jeans are PERFECT for me!
I wear them ALL the time!

and of course,  a little Lilly
The Harp Cashmere Wrap is just Gorgeous

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Well...looks like it is going to be a more quiet weekend again...and that is ok!
I have a fun lunch planned with some Wolverine friends on Friday at BWG....Diana has a birthday party on Saturday night, so we may take the opportunity to do a nice date night
Sunday is always mass and groceries and then I am meeting a friend to help him with some job coaching...later on, we are going to my parents for dinner and some more skating on a rink in their town common....nothing too crazy but looking forward to it!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

The School Deliberative Session
Doesn't sound fun to you right?  Well I never knew how fun it could be or how much say we have in voting in our town in NH.  We actually get to participate in the warrant articles that end up on the ballot each month.  We have a say in the school budget, special projects, school board members, and more.  It is such a privilege and I really enjoy the process
The session is on a Friday night so it is fun to have a couple glasses of wine with friends and then head over there

Also looking forward to,  The Soccer Ball...well this year, it is going to be a Casino Night so it sounds like even more fun!

What Else Is New?
Diana is working really hard with her ECE Junior Frost Team- I cannot wait to see her compete in the Spring!
We just got Eva on skates for the first time- I am also looking forward to seeing how she takes to the ice

Bonus Question For The Month:
What is your favorite Valentine Recipe?
Anything Chocolate!
Our wine group in town was at Laurel's this month and her son Caden has a passion for cooking.
He is SO GOOD too.  He made us these delicious seared scallops and for dessert, he made us molten lava cakes that were to die for!
So...I guess if I  had to narrow it down, I would say those :)

Have a great month!  We are 1 month closer to Spring- YEAH!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Sprinkle for Jill

Baby #5 is on Its Way and We Celebrated and
"Sprinkled" Jill with some treats!

This is essential especially once you pass on all of your baby things...and then you are surprised with a new little bundle of joy!

Jill was certainly surprised AND choked up :)

I kept the theme simple...it was "Sprinkles"

Karen at Synfully Sweet Treats Did the Cake and it was amazing as always!

I used sprinkles in the utensil glasses and in a vase with tulips too

Lunch included:
Chicken Salad Finger Sandwiches
Fruit Salad
Tossed Salad
Corn Dip with Fritos 
Quiche by Jess
and of course, Monkey Bread

For drinks, I served:
Champagne and Orange Sherbert Punch
Water and

Dessert was:
Karen's Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Dipped Fruit
and "Sprinkled Rice Krispee Treats"

Jill got so many amazing gifts....all very essential!
Check out this bottle of wine I found for her.  How appropriate huh?  She can celebrate with it after the arrival of Baby #5



and oh so fun!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Favorites (January 15, 2016)

Linking up with Erika , Andrea and Narci for Friday Favorites!

Pidge has been warming my heart more than ever
Maybe it is because she has been under the weather but her sweetness is overflowing!
New Trick= Climbing Into Her Toy Box

Watching her Fave Curious George

Eating a munchkin for the first time!

Spending quality time with Zach before he left for London
She misses him already :(

and sporting a new adorable headband from Diana's teacher Mrs. Martin :)

and then there's my big girl- my beauty- our Monk
I was proud of her this week when she helped me when Pidge was sick...she grabbed her cup of water and she tried to soothe her...so so proud of the little lady she is becoming

Drinking Coffee (while blogging) from my new mug from Home Goods- got one for Robby B too- Score!

and I posted this on Facebook this week- just love this- my mantra!

Last weekend was a fun filled weekend with our cheer banquet and Aaron's college graduation party
It was so much fun catching up with the other coaches- had to get a pic of course

At Aaron's party, there were beautiful flower arrangements on the tables.  His talented stepmom Noelle made them.  She made a wonderful speech too and thanked us for helping to raise Aaron...the words I really remember were "It takes a village"...ain't that the truth?  Blessed with our village too

After the banquet and Aaron's party, Rob and I snuck on over to Strega down the road. We have a couple of gift cards saved up from my parents.  We used one to split an app and have some cocktails before heading home (we don't get into Boston much anymore so it truly was a big night out for us!) It was also awesome to have something so fun to do in January when I usually hibernate!!

The dress I wore for all of these festivities was a Lilly of course.  It was one that I scored on Ebay last year and just wore for the first time...gotta love Ebay!! It is called "Lilly Pulitzer Polly Shorely Blue Wild Animal"

Said goodbye to a friend from town this week
I can say he truly touched my life in a positive way
I will never forget how wonderful he was at coaching girls' softball and how he always had a smile for everyone- RIP Dave

and on a brighter note, last night my friend Tracey and I went to see Melissa Etheridge at The Music Hall in Portsmouth.  Melissa + Portsmouth= LOVE
Her music was some of my favorite when I was in college and I can truly say she rocked it- she hasn't aged and she looks and sounds amazing
As many of you know, Portsmouth NH is one of my favorite places on earth- I feel so at home there and hope to retire there someday
Tracey and I started with dinner and margaritas at Poco's Bow Street Cantina- one of my faves
I don't order margaritas generally but I ALWAYS order a margarita there- As my mom and I call them "Nectar of the Gods"
Tracey and I enjoyed!

Picture of their famous margarita below (in the warmer weather)

and I LOVE their decor too!

and Melissa in action...we had such great seats.  The Music Hall was such an intimate venue and PERFECT for this show...again she  ROCKED!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend.  My hubby travels on Sunday- I am dreading it and already counting the days down until he returns on Thursday night :(  I am lost without him!

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