
Friday, August 31, 2012

Insta Friday (August 31, 2012)

life rearranged

Hooray for our last two weeks....here is what we have been up to!

Hooray for dancing on the beach...

Hooray for celebrating 8 years of marriage!

Hooray for Giada's Beef and Pineapple Skewers with Parsley Sauce (for Papa Pete)

Hooray for Whip Cream Fights? ha ha

Hooray for our Lineman!

Hooray for our Lineman Wannabee :)

Hooray for Girl's Night!

Hooray for butterflies in our yard

Hooray for a scrimmage win!

Hooray for a birthday ice cream!

Hooray for pre-party excitement!

Hooray for cake pops for our pals

Hooray for another "girly drink" for Daddy ;)

Hooray for Diana's favorite Olympic sport...football?  ha ha!!

Hooray for homemade berry quinoa muffins (made with fresh berries hand-picked by Mimi, Papa and Diana)

Hooray for moving up to Pre-K and meeting our new teachers!

Hooray no BOO for the last "1st day of school" for our big guy :(

Hope you all have been doing well...I look forward to looking at all of your pics this weekend!  
Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August- Our Month of Craziness

I guess I did not realize until this year...well maybe last year...


one of my favorite months...

is simply CRAZY for us!

What have we been up to?

Celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary-we had a smashing steak dinner at The Tuscan Kitchen in Salem


Celebrating Papa Pete's Birthday

Shoe Shopping (well maybe not all of us) ;)

Kicking off our last year of Football :(

and there is much more where this all came from...stay tuned...

Weekly Gratitude

This week I am thankful for....

Father Steve's kind words

The best moment I have been able to experience as a stepmom

A holy necklace...from my grandmother...found during a move...and blessed by Father Steve

Quality family time in our home

Block parties

Power walks with a neighbor/friend

Good kids...that truly give us hope for the future

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Diana's 4th Birthday Shabby Chic Cupcake Party

Diana started by getting several birthday calls...she was SO happy and felt SO special.

Then we took a special trip to Target so she could pick out a toy of her choice...she chose a Disney Princess Pack of course :)

Then we got McDonald's for lunch and she got to play for a few hours while Mama prepared a special birthday meal for the following day...to be shared with our families

Friday night we headed to Zach's football scrimmage and "tailgated" by eating our turkey sandwiches for supper in the parking lot

Diana was surprised again...embarrassed but happy...when the football parents all sang her Happy Birthday...here she is hiding behind Ally :)

 Zach's scrimmage was fun...they played Alverine/Hudson who is two divisions above them and they won!  They really looked good out there...and Diana had fun playing waitress and taking everyone's orders ;)

Yesterday, we had a little party with some of her pals at Shabby Chic- a "sophisticated cupcakery" in town
The girls had a blast..I thought it was perfect...small...simple and so girlie (VERY opposite of most of my parties but just wonderful)

The girls all participated and made their very own cupcakes!

It was a Pinkalicious Theme so they heard the very original Pinkalicious story

Last night, we wrapped up the birthday festivities with a family dinner at home...wonderful time...Happy Birthday Monkey...we LOVE you so much!

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