
Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Gratitude

A magical night at The Fresh Beat Band concert

Saturday night "shhoooooshi"

A successful completion of a Q2 business plan

A clean and clutter free home

Bridget's Story

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Insta Friday!

life rearranged

Documenting my week via iPhone pix....

WOW this week FLEW by....like so many others!

dentist time again!  (check out the cool shades- hysterical)

Wes's firs start at PS- RING...THE...BELL

Getting ready for the Fresh Beat Concert in her "rock star outfit"

The Fresh Beat Band (in the flesh)

Saturday Night "shooshi" as Diana calls it ;)

Diana's first taste of lobster...of course she loved it...takes after her Mama

New Hello Kitty backpack (bigger than her)

Preppin for Dance Class

Got the rugs cleaned...so impressed...they look BRAND NEW

My office and view for the afternoon

Dinner with the boss...great night

Hope you all had a great week! 
Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Monday, March 26, 2012

5 Question Friday (A Little Late)

5 Question Friday

(doing this a little late but what...the...hey)

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!

1. If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where?

Okay- I am going to give two answers
A. In a car, I would drive to the Cape and plant myself on the beach
B. On a plane, I would fly to Hawaii and explore all of its beauty

2. What's your most recently read favorite book?  
Cannot say The Hunger Games like so many others...would have to say Nantucket Nights (yes I am slightly obsessed with the ocean and the beach)

3. What's your favorite Spring Break memory?
Well I really don't think I can type this in a blog...just kidding!
I guess it was senior year...while in Cancun with all of my college friends...drinking beers in the afternoon at our hotel's outdoor bar...and Kurt was making us laugh so hard that our stomachs hurt...I was more tanned and more healthy and happy than I had been in my entire life and I never wanted to lose that feeling...my how life changes!

4. What do you put in your child's Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket? 

For the kiddos: Cadbury items like Cream Eggs, Caramel Eggs and Mini Eggs along with their favorite fruity treats like jelly beans, Starbursts, Peeps and Twizzlers and then they always get one gift that is not candy

For me growing up: My basket was always left beside my bed by the Easter Bunny...it was always wrapped in beautiful and colorful cellophane...and then it always included one large buttercream egg, Cadbury cream eggs, Cadbury mini eggs, jelly beans, my favorite candy bar (3 Musketeers) and then an awesome gift like jewelry or a movie or something else fun)

5. Do you get a summer haircut?

Not necessarily.  I only get my hair cut once/twice a year
It is the other things that happen more often- flat ironed every two weeks and highlights every 6-8 weeks (getting tired of all this- should just got back to my natural, dark, curly hair- my hubby would be pleased anyway)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Fresh Beat Band

Last night was a night we will never forget.  We were able to take Diana to see The Fresh Beat Band.
They are a band of four teenagers that have their own show on Nick Jr.  Diana has been enthralled with their show since she was an infant in the exersaucer.  She would be entertained by their show for hours at a time and thanks to these four teenagers I was able to get some work done on my days from home.  

It is things like this that make me grateful and things like these that will stay with me forever.

Here is Diana all decked out in her rock star outfit and ready to head to the show!

We are HERE!

Diana was in pure AWE with the Fresh Beats....very quiet...very unlike her!!  ha ha

and here they are...they put on a GREAT show!

She was just...so...loveable....

and a few last shots of her rock star shoes....and her "concert tee"

It was a "Great Day!" as the Fresh Beat Band would say

Friday, March 23, 2012

Weekly Gratitude

I am thankful for a solid lenten season thus far

I am thankful for business and busyness

I am thankful for quality time with my mom for her birthday this week

I am thankful for Herbalife

I am thankful for safe flights for my hubby

I am thankful for guilty pleasures like Dance Moms, Fancy Restaurants and Stocking Houses in Town

Insta Friday

life rearranged

Documenting my week in iPhone pix

Mimi's Birthday Celebraton= Sandwich Bar

Sunday Morning Over Easy

Learning our Letters

Tux Shopping for ZB's Junior Prom :)

Organizing our Lives...Including our K Cups!

An oldy but one of my faves...brought it back out this week

Lunch at BWG on Mimi's Real Birthday

Business Dinner of the Week with the Best Biz Partner in the World

Papa Bob's Birthday- with Ricotta Pie

and just to prove I could get a cell phone pic from the "Dotty Dance" as Diana calls it...I snapped this shot on my computer this morning ;)

Hope you you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance 2012

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