This was our busiest week yet! On Monday, we went to Babies R Us to get Diana her coat to go over her christening gown...I cannot wait for that special day! Of course, Dancing with the Stars started that night...Diana thinks that Brooke Burke is going to win :)
On Tuesday, Donna came over with lunch and we had a ball catching up per usual...Donna is my friend who did everything you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it...do you have any friends like that? They just have their "stuff" together...such an inspiration and a reminder of where I would like to be...Donna is a true friend... a terrific mom and someone I look up to.
Wednesday, we went up to W. Newbury to visit with Cheryl, Mia and Ava. Cheryl gave us so many clothes! Gotta love hand-me-downs! Her house is just unbelievable...we have been there once before...on New Year's Eve a few years back but this time, we got to enjoy the landscaping and apple trees and the endless windows and decks..next time I will take pictures! Cheryl is another true friend and a mom who is also giving me some great advice!
On Thursday, we headed to Andover Pediatrics for Diana's 1 month checkup. She is doing much better! She is 9 lbs and 4.5 ounces! She is thriving and I couldn't be happier. After that, we paid Mimi and Papa a visit and then headed to my office so my work friends could all meet our new little friend. We had a blast passing the baby around and catching up :)
Greys started on Thursday night and I thought it was FANTASTIC...anyone else with me?
On Friday, we had a lovely lunch at Lisa V's. She made my favorite meal and didn't even know it- a gourmet chicken salad on croissants with a side salad- just delish. I caught up on my town gossip and politics and Lisa's hubby Tony and friend Jane joined us. It was a great time and they all enjoyed Baby Diana.
Mimi and Papa came up for dinner and to get their Diana fix, later on.
I was supposed to go out to the Razorbacks (Football) Fall Fest with my friend Ann Marie Crichton but I cancelled out. Diana actually got really congested and I felt guilty just going out to party and leaving her with my in-laws. Call me a wimp but I am a first time mom and everything freaks me out!
What a busy week...we had fun though...I have also come to the conclusion that Diana is happiest AND most quiet when we are driving in the car...going places and visiting people. She hates being home all the time (just like Mummy!)
I have posted some pix from Wednesday..You will first see Mia with Diana and then Cheryl and Ava :)
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