
Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Birthday Party at HARU Sushi- Boston

Need I say more? We had an absolute BLAST! We enjoyed cocktails...sushi...cocktails...apps...cocktails and even cake :) I can't believe I am 35- wow! Time flies when you are having fun.

Thanks to my wonderful hubby for organizing this bash and to my besties: Mum and Dad...Matt and Gina...Cass and Steve and Jay...Jules and Cory...Jenny and "The Foise"...Kayla and last but not least Baby Diana! (YES she joined us too- why not?) She has been more places in the last 5 weeks than most of us have been as adults...too funny!

Enjoy the pix...once we figure out our video problems, I will also post our funny video from the evening's festivities as well!

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Our Fifth Week!

This was our busiest week yet! On Monday, we went to Babies R Us to get Diana her coat to go over her christening gown...I cannot wait for that special day! Of course, Dancing with the Stars started that night...Diana thinks that Brooke Burke is going to win :)

On Tuesday, Donna came over with lunch and we had a ball catching up per usual...Donna is my friend who did everything you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it...do you have any friends like that? They just have their "stuff" together...such an inspiration and a reminder of where I would like to be...Donna is a true friend... a terrific mom and someone I look up to.

Wednesday, we went up to W. Newbury to visit with Cheryl, Mia and Ava. Cheryl gave us so many clothes! Gotta love hand-me-downs! Her house is just unbelievable...we have been there once before...on New Year's Eve a few years back but this time, we got to enjoy the landscaping and apple trees and the endless windows and decks..next time I will take pictures! Cheryl is another true friend and a mom who is also giving me some great advice!

On Thursday, we headed to Andover Pediatrics for Diana's 1 month checkup. She is doing much better! She is 9 lbs and 4.5 ounces! She is thriving and I couldn't be happier. After that, we paid Mimi and Papa a visit and then headed to my office so my work friends could all meet our new little friend. We had a blast passing the baby around and catching up :)

Greys started on Thursday night and I thought it was FANTASTIC...anyone else with me?

On Friday, we had a lovely lunch at Lisa V's. She made my favorite meal and didn't even know it- a gourmet chicken salad on croissants with a side salad- just delish. I caught up on my town gossip and politics and Lisa's hubby Tony and friend Jane joined us. It was a great time and they all enjoyed Baby Diana.

Mimi and Papa came up for dinner and to get their Diana fix, later on.

I was supposed to go out to the Razorbacks (Football) Fall Fest with my friend Ann Marie Crichton but I cancelled out. Diana actually got really congested and I felt guilty just going out to party and leaving her with my in-laws. Call me a wimp but I am a first time mom and everything freaks me out!

What a busy week...we had fun though...I have also come to the conclusion that Diana is happiest AND most quiet when we are driving in the car...going places and visiting people. She hates being home all the time (just like Mummy!)

I have posted some pix from Wednesday..You will first see Mia with Diana and then Cheryl and Ava :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Good Days...The Little Things...Like Diana's First Bath!

So it is the little things...the little things that remind me how much my life has changed because of this little baby. Good days for me used to be when I could run the equivalent of a 5k with ease...or start a Saturday with coffee with Cass and then bounce around doing fun errands and finishing up with a fun night out!

Now, my good days are ones where Diana eats 20 ounces or has a poop in her diaper! Insane? I think not. I know many moms who have gone through this transformation as well. I think that is what they call our "initiation" if you will.

Don't get me wrong...I am still the fun person I was...I am just a little preoccupied and sleep-deprived right now...but it is all worth it.

The moments make it worth it...the moments like Diana's first bath. She absolutely loved the water!!!! She is turning into a butterball and I just can't get enough of her! (Stay tuned for that video- it is too large to get on the blog right now- we are trying to figure out how to compress it)

In the meantime, enjoy this one of her "fake cry" :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lunch Dates

So we are in week 4 and I thought I would just record this wonderful memory. It is so nice and we feel blessed to have wonderful friends and family.

During this time that I am off and spending with Baby Diana, I have been so lucky to have visits from some of my closest friends and fam.

My first week at home, as I previously posted, my mom came to stay to help me and she cooked and cleaned and even got up for some of Diana's night time feedings.

My friend Trish came over to visit and also brought us a HUGE stuffed shell dinner which was DELISH!

Lisa has come by to visit as well as Steve Petron and Marianne Bemister!

Last week Cass came over with Alexis and brought pizza for lunch. I don't know what I would do without her. I have cried to her and have shared EVERY concern...I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE with her and she has really calmed my nerves...telling me how normal things are and giving me some realistic time lines to live by.

Yesterday, we met my friend Jenn from work at the Village Bean for coffee! It was so fun catching up and hearing all about the office gossip while I am out.

This morning My Auntie Mar came by and brought us a HUGE Chicken Pot Pie from Harrow's and enjoyed visiting with Diana- Diana just took to her and snuggled up to her for an hour!!

Later today, Julie came over with Caiden and I made us some grilled cheese for lunch. Caiden, like Diana had the acid reflux problem and was put on a similar medicine. Jules made me feel better with telling me how the medicine worked so well and Caiden ended up outgrowing the reflux as soon as he turned 1!

Next week, Donna is bringing us lunch on Tuesday. I can't wait to catch up with Donna- she always tells me the greatest stories and makes motherhood look so easy!!

We are going to visit with Cheryl, Mia and Ava on Wednesday and then the following week, we will be going to visit with Lisa Vivinetto.

I love these dates...so special...a time I will never forget. :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 3

Well, as soon as Diana turned 2 weeks old, the digestive problems began. She had some really severe bouts of heaving, hard crying and we just knew she was in pain.

At first the doctor, recommended trying a soy formula or the ever famous alimentum formula plus mylecon/gas drops. So we did.

That seemed to work for a few days but then the hard crying was back again.

After attending my PTA meeting on Thursday night and talking to my most trusted moms, I concluded that Alimentum is what we needed to do next- so we did.

Well her feedings still were a struggle...we could tell she was very hungry and she would eat as much as she could which only ended up being an ounce or two at the most, (She should be doing 3-4) and then she would just start crying like it hurt her to eat.

So today, we decided to take matters into our hands. Rob took the day off and we brought her in to the doctor's office. The good news was that she gained 10 oz in a week! The doctor was very impressed. She also did not have a fever and she appears to be extremely healthy! What Dr. Pritchard, did conclude however, is that Diana has acid reflex. She prescribed "Baby Zantac" and said we should see a major difference.

Please stay tuned and say your prayers! Here we go (I have attached a few photos of Diana's 3rd week...as you will notice Big Brother Zack is so good with her!)

The highlight of this week was apple and raspberry picking with Mimi and Papa Pete. We had so much fun...especially Papa Pete! He grabbed that stroller and wouldn't let go!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dear Diana (You are 2 Weeks Old Today!)

I can't believe it...every day you are changing and every day I am feeling stronger and stronger (thank Goodness). I have experienced the blues like they talk about and then I feel guilty for it..go figure!

Mimi came up and stayed with us for the week last week. She was a huge help and really enjoyed spending the time getting to know you. She also cooked and cleaned for mummy and daddy-a huge relief!

My friend Trish came to visit you this week...she brought us a huge dinner...this generosity from friends and family never gets old..it is completely overwhelming and so appreciated!

We also got some beautiful flowers from the PTA and then from "The Fois".

For Mummy's bday, you joined Mimi, Daddy and I as we celebrated with some cocktails and apps- you didn't have any of course but you were wide-eyed the entire time we were there!

Yesterday, our State Rep and Prez of the Baseball Board, Charlie McMahon, came by with a gift from the WBSL..a wonderful gift certificate to Babies R Us!

We are enjoying all of this fun and you don't even realize how much you are loved quite yet! I am recording everything so someday you can appreciate it all!

Yesterday we also had a follow up at the pediatrician's. You gained 2 oz so you are up to 8'3.5 but the doctor wants us to feed you more and it will be a fight! You fall asleep at the end of 2 oz and we have to try and get 3oz in you per feeding- geesh! Stay tuned for this challenge :)

Some of your favorite things right now include the swirly lights on your swing...your pink pacifier with flowers and a ribbon on it and being swaddled. Oh! You also love falling asleep on my chest where you can feel my heartbeat.

I love you my baby bird!
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