
Sunday, April 27, 2008

...and Some More Nursery Progress

Papa and Rob picked up the nursery furniture yesterday and spent the afternoon assembling it. We have the BEST parents. My parents bought us the crib and Rob's parents bought us the changing table.

I just love the way the white looks!

Here they are working hard yesterday...of course I had to capture the moment!! :)

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The Nesting Instinct Kicking In Already?

I am not sure but yesterday I felt that I had to make something...do something creative...so I whipped up an enormous fruit salad. I carved a watermelon, in a decorative way and was able to fit about half of the fruit in that. It was so pretty, I didn't want to keep it so I brought it to my parents last night!

I was also inspired by the Cancun pix so I whipped up a silly face pineapple guy and made Zack is very own, individual, fruit salad in that.

Enjoy the pix!

Friday Night with Members of the Chingros Clan

So Cass and I were planning on a relaxing Friday night sitting on the deck at the Windham Restaurant.

Well...change of plans and we experienced more belly laughs than we would have alone.

Since her brother Jay works with me now, I mentioned to him that he should stop by. He said he might and he had already made plans with their other brother Basil.

So we were graced with both of them and we had a ball. Basil is hysterical- he is a local cop and the safety officer for a local town. He always has the greatest stories and always makes me laugh until I cry!

We didn't sit outside because typical New England...it dropped thirty degrees over the afternoon! Nevertheless, we made the most of it inside, in the funky bar.

He we are :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Julie's Birthday Celebration!

Jules, Cory and of course Little Caiden came over to celebrate Julie's birthday on Saturday night and we had a ball!

I whipped up a new recipe that I got from The Food Network- Farfalle with Prosciutto, Pignole & Spinach along with a mixed green salad, bruschetta, garlic bread and a pretty, "very girly" pink cake for dessert!

Caiden kept us entertained with his sign language and he really took to Ally- she was great with him!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

College Flash Back!

My friend Kelly (from UMD) and I just reconnected on Myspace (and that is one of the reasons why, as an adult, I have a Myspace!) So fun and what is even more fun, she posted some old Cancun pix of us from Spring Break Senior year....OH MY GOD!!! I LOVE them...I was also at 150 pounds and after Diana is born, that is my weight goal- I will do what it takes to get there because I was my healthiest then :)

Enjoy these pix- guess which one I am? Just look for the BIGGEST hair!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dear Diana,

We are a little more than half way there! 18 more weeks, hopefully, and we will be meeting you for the very first time!

I thought I would do something that my most creative friend Jacinda does. She started an on-line diary on her blog for her baby. I think you deserve the same and I already know you will refer to me as your "crazy mother" some day. That's okay...I am and I am already crazy about you!

It is amazing how much we love you already. Your Daddy says it every day..."I love that baby so much already" he always says. As he kisses me goodbye each morning, he also kisses you and talks to you...he is hoping you can hear his voice! I also talk to you in the car. Sometimes you even start dancing depending on the kind of song that is on!! I can always tell the songs you like...I think you will be a dancer....follow in my footsteps and hopefully not quit like I did..but hey! We will leave that up to you!

My pregnancy, with you, for the first 12 weeks was tough. I was constantly sick and had no energy. To make matters worse, it was one of the worst winters we have ever experienced in New England (figures!). Thank goodness your daddy is the wonderful man that he is and he would often drive me to work and pick me up in the bad weather.
This way, I could stay calm as much as possible...control the blood pressure...and of course keep you healthy!

We had one scare so far and had to go to the hospital for tests...that is the day we found out we were going to be blessed with a baby girl. Since then, we know, everything should be okay. Also, as important, we truly feel like we have bonded with you since then.

I can't wait to see what you look like! From the ultra-sound picture, it looks like you have Daddy's nose and may look a bit like Ally...I wonder, though, if you will have my super thick hair and thunder thighs (God help you!)

We started your nursery too! Daddy was so good about painting quickly (mostly because he wouldn't have to listen to me nag anymore)...we really think you are going to love your room. I can't wait to get my rocking chair so I can just sit in there and wait for you :)

Well that's it for now...can't wait until Daddy and others can feel you kick and punch the way I do...that should be happening over the next few weeks :)

I love you

My Friday Nights

Did I mention that I LOVE my Friday nights? I especially love them when we have the kids and I need to take Zack to one of the Middle School dances. Why? Because he is so fun...I love hearing the Middle School gossip and Zack's interpretation of what goes on.

Lately, this year, it has been a tradition to have his friend Chris come over after school and then the three of us grab a quick dinner...gossip and then I drop them off. Ah...those are the moments I live for. Crazy? Someday, some of you will understand!

Usually it is my duty to get Zack around on Friday nights because Rob usually has a gig, although last night he was not around for different reasons. He and my mom actually had a date! (so flippin cute!)

They went to see the new Rolling Stones show at the Imax Theater in Reading- they loved it! Of course, my mom had to spoil him and oooked an 8 course meal for him, featuring her famous meatloaf which devoured ;)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Clare's Christening

Rob and I were honored to be included in Clare Boneau's christening on Sunday. Clare's mom Jacinda and I went to UMD together and we have always been good friends...even though we live thousands of miles apart.

Jacinda and her hubby Rick AND Clare now reside in San Diego. They were able to come back home (Rhode Island) and have the christening at the church in Jacinda's home town of Foster.

Enjoy these pix from Sunday. We LOVED the theme....ocean...fish...divine!

We even got to take home our centerpiece- a brand new beta fish...since he is male, we named him Clarence as a tribute to Clare!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nursery Progress!

So thanks to my love, the nursery is coming along quite nicely. I think Diana will really enjoy her room!

Rob got all of the painting done. We chose a very light green for three of the walls and then used the same green along with more of a sage to do stripes on the wall that the crib will be up against.

We also put up the pink curtains with the matching hardware. (Sometimes it is okay to splurge at Pottery Barn!) and then we put down a pink and green area rug that was also from Pottery Barn.

Lastly, we put up some pink and green paintings and a beautiful pink message board with dragon flys on it.

The next step is the bureau. Rob is going to strip it (as it is currently yellow)and re-paint it white. (It is the bureau that I actually grew up with!)

Cass also got me the cutest little pink-painted box that we can use for Diana's changing table (for all her lotions and such) and the cutest onesies- one says just arrived in rhinestones!!! The other one is pink and leopard- so adorable!

Very exciting time- enjoy the pix of this transition!

A Fun, Spur of the Moment Saturday with the Girls!

So I left Rob at home, painting the nursery while I went to have my nails done (I feel so unattractive right now and doing my nails makes me feel like I am at least making some effort!)

While at the nail salon, Cass called and suggested we get together so we agreed on an early lunch with of course Alexis. We then had a nice surprise when Kayla called and said she wanted to join us!

We enjoyed a nice girls lunch at Brookstone Golf Club in Derry...what fun we had. Of course I had to snap a few fun pix of Alexis too :)

Jesus Christ Superstar at Tyngsboro High!

I went to see the lovely Jordan Slates in Jesus Christ Superstar on Friday night at Tyngsboro High School. Jordan is the kids' first cousin on their mom's side and a fellow dancer/thespian.

So my mom and I decided to make a night of it. We headed to Windham Restaurant (the good 'ole standby and split the eggplant stack and harvest salad)- YUMMO! (ok enough Rachel Ray)

We then headed to the show...

What impressed me about this high school group, was the singing talent although Jordan is a life long dancer and she commands the stage with her presence and grace.

Great performance and of all the leads, I believe Jesus was the most convincing. I especially enjoyed the Palm Sunday scene :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Michael Buble!

So....we went to see Buble at the Verizon Center in Manchester on Tuesday night and he was phenomenal!!! He has a voice that is as good as Sinatra's and the moves of Elvis. He is so suave for 26!!!!

At first we were sitting in the highest section possible (upper level) and I was starting to get panicky (afraid of heights and this pregnancy thing is not helping matters) so Rob went down to see if we could upgrade our seats and BOY DID WE EVER!!! For $29 more, we got put in the lower level on the aisle (so I could pee often) and were so close...like we could almost touch him- next to the Sheryl Crow show in 98, the best seats I have EVER HAD!

He did all the songs I wanted to hear: Everything, Save the Last Dance for Me, and the Italian Song which I cannot really pronounce BUT live for it!!! His band was phenomenal too.

I also need to mention the opening act- they are called Naturally 7. They are 7 guys who sing a capella and are able to crate instrument sounds with their voices- sooo talented and so entertaining! Check out their video on You Tube!!!!
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