
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Hi Friends and Happy Hump Day!  I decided to join Joyce for her fun Hodgepodge Linkup! Here we go...

1. How did you meet your significant other?

 We met in a bar...so cliche right? Ha!  Rob's band was playing at the Dubliner and they were big jokesters so you not only got live music entertainment but you got jokes and my brother started razzing Rob and during a break he came over to our table...and the rest is history ;)




2. It’s Department Store Day. Do you still shop in department stores? If not, do you miss that shopping experience? Do you have a favorite department store? Any fun memories of department store shopping when you were a child?


 Very rarely.  The last one I was in was Target last weekend with Diana as we got items for Tommy's BOO Basket.  Other than that, it is mostly  Amazon nowadays.  When I was growing up, we frequented Caldor, Bradlees and Zayres...remember those?  Ahhhhh...then at the mall it was Jordan Marsh and Filene's...both out of business...so sad!



3. Something you’re currently nuts about?

 Hmmm....Friday Night High School Football Games...they are bringing back so many wonderful memories and there is nothing like the crowd cheering...the tunes of the marching band...the cheerleaders doing their thang and the crisp air...pure magic!



4. What’s your favorite nut and is there a favorite recipe?


 Really not a fan of putting nuts in recipes especially baking but I will add cashews or candied pecans to a salad and do enjoy doing that!



5. On Wednesday, we officially reach the 70 days until Christmas mark. Have you purchased any gifts?


 Yes...purchased "an experience" for my daughters and stepdaughters...might get a couple more things for Eva but I am pretty much done with the bigger girls..has to be a very simple year and still trying to make things special for them


6. Insert random thought here.

 We are less than a month away from the election...I know it is not magic but I am hoping that hiring managers start moving more when that day is over!  Real Estate is starting to move more so I am hopeful!








Joanne said...

Experience gifts are the best! I remember Caldor and Jordan Marsh. Do you remember Ann & Hope? That might have only been a southern New England chain though; I'm not sure. My grandmother used to be able to spent a whole day inside the Ann & Hope store (I had to Google it because I could not for the life of me remember the name!) and we'd stop for lunch in their restaurant 1/2 way through the day.

Joyce said...

Look how cute you are : ) I like experience gifts for older kids especially. It's hard to restrain myself when it comes to my grands but they need nothing. They have so much. The clothes for the granddaughters are especially hard to resist. Also, I have five now so it gets expensive. I'm trying to stick to pjs, a book, a Christmas ornament, and one gift that's something they want. Hoping things pick up with your job. It's been a tough season for many even though we're told the economy is good. Seeing the total at the grocery store is absolutely shocking. Thanks for joining in today!

Maria Rineer said...

Nothing wrong with meeting at a bar... At least he didn´t initially meet you by hitting on you with a corny line (I mean, he may have used a line on you but it sounds like he came over to your table because of your brother). I have not heard of the department stores you mentioned except Felines´s. We never had them out our way. Experiences are great gifts! Enjoyed reading your answers!

Tanya said...

It seems like everything is in a holding pattern until after the election. Loved reading about how y'all met!

Debbie said...

Hi Holly! I'm coming over from the Wednesday Hodgepodge link-up. I'm so fascinated by all the different department stores that are unique to each area. I am in Texas and didn't recognize any that you mentioned and you probably wouldn't know some of mine. And I agree with your description of Friday night football. The air was so crisp and the games were so much fun! Take care and have a great week!

ellen b. said...

Love the looks of that nutty salad! Experiences are such a good gift idea. Fun story on how you met and your relationship took off. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

Holly said...

Yes Joanne! I completely do! Another classic :)

Holly said...

Love your gift ideas for the kids Joyce :)

Holly said...

I am cracking up Maria! I loved reading your love story- so so cute!

Holly said...

So true Tanya

Holly said...

I forgot that different areas had and have different stores Debbie- like we don't have a Dillard's around here but I have shopped on their website

Holly said...

Thank you Ellen!

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