
Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Favorites (May 26, 2023)


Hi Friends!  Yay!  It is the kick off to summer- one of my favorite weekends of the year!

One housekeeping item: Sarah and I will be hosting Hello Monday on Tuesday next week so we hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!  Make sure you come back on Tuesday and tell us all about your weekends!


Thank you to all who have sacrificed for our freedom especially those who sacrificed it all


Linking up for Friday Faves HERE

Here are some faves from our week....

TJ Faves

So while at the office on Tuesday, I ran to TJ's real quick and snagged a few snacks as I would be hosting wine group and a BBQ this weekend

Ok all the hype definitely is legit on these- grab them while they last- the cashier told me they always get wiped out- perfect chips for your BBQs friends

and some more faves to serve

Wine Group

It was my turn to host and we did a "spring theme" and also celebrated Cass and BA's birthdays- it was a fun little night!


I was invited to a BNI Networking Group by my Dance Mom Friend Laura.  She is a top realtor in our area and we are always trading war stories as it relates to our sales and business development efforts.  She is a true inspiration to me and I loved her presentation yesterday.  She is a BOSS!

and I even won the trivia prize!  I guess I have always had a passion for real estate and knew all the answers- so fun!


Eva and her team are getting ready for their first tournament of the season and last night there was a little celebration- decorating water bottles, paint ball, decorating cars and ice cream- they were so cute and had a blast!  Go Windham!

Red, White and Blue!

Ahh...my favorite season of the year....all of the patriotic goodness!


I have my flowers ready


Snagged a cute top.  LOFT is having awesome sales right now friends!

and bring on the festive charcuterie boards shall we? ;)

Hope it is a fabulous weekend my friends!

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Everyday Maddie said...

Those cakes are so cute! Have a great weekend!

Maria Rineer said...

Your TJ's find look great. I need to go to ours soon and snag some of the goodness. Almost teared up at the pictures of Eva and her pals- I remember so well when we did the same thing before soccer tournaments and dance competitions. I'm getting sappy now thinking about it and extra emotional thinking about Memorial Day and those who lost their lives. Have a great weekend hosting and going to games!!

Andrea Nine said...

I definitely need to try those patio potato chips! The cakes are so sweet and I hope you have the most festive weekend, sweetheart!

Ruth said...

I love all the amazing variety of snacks! I wish we had a Trader Joes over here. Have a wonderful long weekend. ‘See’ you on Tuesday 😊

Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

TJs is the best place for getting snacks for a crowd. In fact, I think I am going there today or tomorrow at 8 a.m. before the rush. I love your group of friends and those cakes are beautiful! Happy weekend!

Kim Carberry said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I love the look of all of those snacks, especially the Fig & Olive crisps and your wine evening looks like a lot of fun.

Jennifer White said...

Awesome Trader Joe's haul! I need to find those s'mores. The cakes from your wine night look so good. Can you tell I have a sweet tooth? haha The softball crew is so cute! I hope they have a great season.

MandyJoyLoves♥ said...

Those cakes for wine were beautiful! And just love softball season, ours is over now =(

Joanne said...

So many delicious TJ's finds! Those cakes look amazing too.

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