
Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday Favorites (April 1, 2022)


Happy Friday Friends- we made it- crawling to the finish line here!

Linking up HERE and sharing some faves from our week

"Let Us Dream"

Thoroughly enjoyed Pope Francis's book and one paragraph really resonated with me.  I am including it here so I can reflect back on it...."Democracy is then reinvigorated by the concerns and wisdom of the people who are involved in it.  Politics can once again be an expression of love through service.  By making the restoration of our people's dignity the central objective of the Post-COVID world, we make everyone's dignity the key to our actions.  To guarantee a world where dignity is valued and respected through concrete actions is not just a dream but a path to a better future."



Fave MEMEs



Oh a bit ole YES to this one- HA!!

The Lucky Knot

Check them out HERE


For all you preppys out there- you are welcome! :)





 ABT Master Class

Diana got the opportunity to take a master class with ABT (American Ballet Theater) last night and had a blast- really enjoyed the class and looking forward to seeing their junior company perform in Concord tonight :)


 That's a wrap - short and sweet- have a wonderful weekend!




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Cat @ MaryMarthaMama.com said...

I have not heard about Pope Francis's book but I love that quote and I will have to put that one on my list to read. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Joanne said...

Oh yes, I remember a few people we knew growing up had couches like that! LOL. I ALWAYS lost part of my recess for talking and had that reported on my report card each year... funny because I actually got pretty shy during college and rarely spoke at all.

Maria Rineer said...

What a wonderful dance class for Diana! It sounds like she has great teachers and great opportunities to grow in her art. I'm sure that makes your mama heart happy to see her thriving in doing what she loves. That couch meme is funny and SO true!

Sunshine and Books said...

Have a great weekend! Great memes today! I haven’t read Pope Francis’ book, but I am adding it to my list. Two of The Lucky Knot locations are near me and I really want to go to the store to check it out!

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