
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Eva is 8!

 Our Baby is 8!


Eva a.k.a Pidge is getting to be such a big girl!



She completed our family in 2014 



and she was the BEST baby...she ate...slept...did her business...like a machine...she weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces at birth



We kept waiting for her to have bad acid reflex the way Diana did...but she didn't...she just kept eating :)



She started walking at 14 months...of course her first word was Dada but some of our other favorite first words of hers were Mama, Please, More, Tank Too for Thank You :)

As she grew, we realized how kind she was...how she cares about everyone's feelings....she is so sensitive and so smart..not bragging..just the truth..I am in awe of her

Eva is everyone's friend...she doesn't have a mean bone in her body...in fact when someone else is being rude or mean, she will often come out with a dry, adult-like comment and we keel over...her teacher gets a big kick out of her sense of humor...in fact all of her teachers have- HA!

She is into so many things...like hockey and softball and dance...and she is actually enjoying acting (because she wants to be just like her big sister)...at home, she loves to play Ro Blox and Face time with her friends as well as Memory and other games...and she loves to be outside!

We often call her "OCD" because everything has to be within the "schedule" and "on point"...if we need to change her pick up from school one day because of work meetings or a change in plans, we get the third degree with a very concerned face ;)

She is very motivated to do big things in this world...some of her aspirations include becoming President of the United States...being a Secret Service Agent or being a Police Officer or Engineer


 My baby still walks around sucking her thumb and holding her blanket so sometimes we call her Linus...and wherever you see Eva walking around...you are sure to find Remi right behind her...he is her shadow...it is really sweet

She loves her family fiercely and she loves her friends AND is obsessed with school!

She is now VERY excited to be in Big Sister Kayla's wedding in the fall 

As you may be able to tell, she picked a very grown up style for her dress...I could just eat her right up!

Happy 8th Birthday Pidge- Mama loves you so much! XO


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Joanne said...

Aw, what a sweet, sweet tribute to your darling girl. I hope she has the best time being 8!

Maria Rineer said...

Awe! It sounds like she had a great weekend celebrating. Such sweet pictures!!

Andrea Nine said...

Aww I’m crying! Happy Birthday Eva! She’s beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet birthday tribute to Eva!! Hope she had a great day!

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