
Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Favorites (April 29, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  This morning I am waking up in Dartmouth MA with my girls!  Cannot wait until they see my college UMD!  Full recap coming Monday :)

It was a busy week in the blogging world.......

Monday was Hello Monday with Sarah and me HERE

 Tuesday was all about Eva, The Birthday Girl, HERE

 Wednesday was What's Up Wednesday HERE  

and Thursday was Monthly Musings where Patty and I talked all things travel HERE


and I am back for Friday Favorites!  Sharing some faves from our week...Linking up HERE


Rehearsing with the Littles

(This was actually from last week- a friend sent it to me- this is Diana rehearsing with the "Little Feather Dusters" for Beauty and the Best) Warms my heart...




 Fave Eats

Eating The Rainbow





Fave MEMEs


Fave Moments Of the Week

Daddy and Eva Bagel Date


Sisters...better yet...little sis looking at big sis thinking...wait what? ;)


Snuggles with Remi

Buck A Shuck with Besties

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Monthly Musings: April 2022 (All Things Vacation Edition)


Hi Friends!  I can't believe the week is almost over- yeah!!  Patty and I are back this month and we are talking all things vacations and travel and packing...hope you will join us!  Grab our graphic above and link back up with us below...I always love reading how you vacation....can't wait to get inspired!  Here it goes...

1. What trips/vacations do you have planned for the rest of the year?

Well Aruba was our big trip in February this year so no other big trips planned this year...but we have some fun little weekends to look forward to!

Mama is heading to Nantucket for a weekend in May with her besties- we are attending the Nantucket Wine Festival (as our favorite Newport one is cancelled for the third year in a row- UGH) May is a better time for this event anyway (for my family) and I have already shopped and started to pack- I am not too excited right?  I love Nantucket style- preppy- comfy- looks effortless but after you actually put a lot of effort into your ensemble- ha!

We have a few family trips planned too but they are not set in stone just yet...they will come together over the next month or two:

Local Beach Weekend with the Kids and Our Parents


4th of July Weekend at The McLain's Lake House


Washington DC Weekend with the Kids and Our Parents

and we are going to squeeze in one last trip to Story Land and Santa's Village- it is time for one last hurrah and to say goodbye to one of our favorite traditions


As you can see, our trips are consisting of weekends here and there.  We have other BIG and EXCITING events this year including Kayla's wedding in October and it is a big Nutcracker year for us too but I love life the way it is and wouldn't trade it for the world!

2. Best Packing Tips?

Pack early and often - ha!  Kidding

Use packing cubes- have extra options- I am not one to pack light- I always joke with Rob and say "I need options"- Bring a sweater in case it gets chilly?  I don't have much advice because I am not that efficient with packing :)

3. Packing cubes yes or no?

See answer 2- YES

4. Favorite Travel Outfit

Would have to be my black sleeveless jersey dress from Nordstrom with a denim jacket- chic and comfy with some flip flops!

5. Favorite Vacation Destination and Why?  (Share photos!)

Oh I wrote this question...I not only want to read about your favorite destinations BUT I wanna see pics- I am a picture freak as you may have learned by now!

Mine is ARUBA...hands down...nothing even comes close!


Why?  The weather is perfect- the location is beautiful- the people are the nicest in the world and the food is incredible...plus we have learned that it is called "Boston South" -so many people from here travel there every year and now we know why!  Even some of the bars are Boston-themed!



Have you flown since March of 2020?


Yes a few times

April 2021- Palm Beach, FL for April vacation- the family - and we met up with the Fourniers

May 2021- I went to Aruba with friends to celebrate 2 50th Birthdays- Mama's solo trip

 November  2021- New York City- Mama and Diana with Jeanine and Manning



February 2022- Winter Break in Aruba - our family with other besties' families too!



Beach or Mountains for Vacations?

The BEACH...alll...the...way... 



Do you prefer to sight see or relax on vacation?

I like a perfect mix of both-  I love exploring and going on adventures and then I like at least 1 day to chill on the beach!



 Hotel, Camping or Airbnb?


Hotel all the way...if I am going on a trip...investing and taking time off...I want to be pampered and as you may have guessed...."I am an indoor girl" ha!

Overpacker?  Underpacker?

See answer to #2 again- definitely an overpacker...I try I try ;)


Wow!  That was fun!  Can't wait to read all about your travels!

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