
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Last Day Of School 2021

 Well friends...we made it through this crazy school year...so many stops and starts...so much stress...uncertainty and GRIT...we are so proud of our girls for fighting through....we can't believe after all of the back and forth that we made it to the end of the school year...can I get a what what?  Anyway, I digress...

We celebrate in the traditional ways that we do....pictures in the morning and lunch and swimming with besties in the afternoon....

Here is what it looked like on Friday...

Last Day of 7th Grade for Diana!

and she could not escape with another attempt by Daddy to embarrass her...we were dying!!

and Last Day of 1st Grade for Eva- Miss Pidge!


Our Girls


After school and work, Miss Jeanine treated us all to a lovely lunch and the kids stayed in the pool most of the afternoon!



Now the girls are off to 8th and 2nd grades...so excited for them....and exhaling for a day...we made it!

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Natasha said...

Yes, I will breathe such a HUGE sigh of relief when this year is over. It's been one for the books for sure. I can't wait to close the chapter on this year. And it looks like you celebrate the end of the school year in the most fun way!

Brianne said...

Hooray for the last day of school! That drink with the jalapeno & those prosciutto things look so good!

Maria Rineer said...

Congrats to your girls and YOU for making it to the end of the school year. Hopefully, this past year will be the only one of your girls' school years with masks, hybrid learning, etc. I would say to enjoy your summer but I KNOW that you will and look forward to reading about your summer adventures :)

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Happy Last Day! Nice that you get out so late so you can enjoy all of summer!

Sunshine and Books said...

WOOHOO!! School’s out for summer!! I love your traditions and celebrations! Have a great week! I can’t wait for Monthly Musings!

Joanne said...

What lovely last day of school traditions!!

Jennifer White said...

Congrats on wrapping up the school year! Let summer begin :) I love the last day of school photos.

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