
Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday Favorites (June 18, 2021)


Ok Friends Happy Friday!  It is our last day of school!  How did that happen??  Stay tuned for that post next week.  In the meantime, I have a SUPER SIZE Friday Faves to share with you today...grab your coffee and settle in...



Remi "The Rem Dog" Breton


He keeps us laughing....especially when Daddy takes him to his Wednesday night classes and he comes home wiped out- ha!



Soul Sisters

We have dubbed ourselves this...soul mates...those women you weren't looking for and didn't know you needed so much...and they just show up...Amen


Blackout Cancer

Coming....in September....Childhood Cancer Month...started this tradition 10 years ago and right back where we started only 10x bigger...can't wait for our big game on September 17th!

Fave Recent Messages...some found on my own...some sent to me by friends....All Dead On

Workin' Moms- Season 5

It's back and I have been slowly watching (truth be told I could binge the season in 1 night but I am trying to savor every episode and make it last!)  I have been howling....I feel like it is funnier than ever...LOVING IT!


Eva- Currently

Eva really enjoyed softball this year! It was her first season and it wound down this week....we are so proud of her...she is killing it in school too...whizzing through her math and reading at a 3rd grade level...giving everything her all AND she is the kindest friend which is the most important....she makes life a joy!


Diana- Currently

We are so proud of this girl too!  She fought her way through every day this year and is proud to announce that she made honors!  Some subjects are not easy for this girl and she persevered through an incredibly difficult year!

and she got her first vaccine!


The Gym

Pushing myself to leave my comfort zone every week...and it is really changing my life...


Our Yard

The woman who owned our house before we did was an amazing gardener...she knew exactly what to plant... so flowers and plants bloom at different times throughout the year...I am in awe and would love to learn how to do that someday...for now...every year...we enjoy the fruits of her labor....this year, things are growing wild...we can't get over it...

and my St. Anthony statue that I need to look at every day is being surrounded by so many flowers!!


Golden Girl

Oh friends....I pounced on this one as soon as Elin released it a few weeks ago....sooooo good....who is with me?

Woosh....that was a long one...filled with so much JOY...really need to keep practicing my mantra of #FOLLOWTHEJOY...it has been a challenging week ...it is times like these that we need to remember what is really important...thank you for giving me this little space to share in....I treasure it always!



Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

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My Glittery Heart said...

I want Remi so bad! He is PRECIOUS!

Chelle said...

LOVED Golden Girl! I binge read it in a day!

Rich Girl, Poor Girl said...

I also read that book in one day! It was so good!!

Maria Rineer said...

Congrats on finishing the school year and on your girls doing so well this year :). Your garden is just beautiful!

Joanne said...

Aw, what a great report on both your girls! I am dying to read Elin's new book but I am just waiting for it to become available through our library.

Jennifer White said...

I can’t wait to read GG. Congrats to your girls on all the things! Good job, mama!

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