
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday on a Tuesday and A Year Of Gratitude

Hello Friends....I am choosing today for my 2019 Gratitude post....Patty and I decided to make our "Thankful Thursday" this month...all week long....so please join us if you are blogging about gratitude at any time during this week...we would love to have you join us!  You can find our linkup HERE

I decided to follow a tradition we started last year and instead of just sharing my gratitude, I am sharing our family's gratitude...all four of us contributed to this list....here is what we are thankful for.....


This blogging community and especially my "Gratitude Partner" Patty who has been such an extension of my tribe...grateful for her friendship...no matter how far apart we are physically!

My family...everyone brings unique gifts to our family and I cherish even the ordinary days

 My friends...a.k.a my tribe....I am lucky as a 40 something to have found lifelong friends...they make life so much more fun!

Our community- blessed to be able to raise our kids here and be surrounded by great people, great education and a town that rallies 

My career and especially the firm I work for...I find that loving what you do is one of God's greatest gifts AND the bonus is having the flexibility to be present at home while working...this gift I never take for granted

Our health - to be able to have the energy to exercise and the ongoing effort to get healthier and healthier



My Mommy and My Daddy



My Grandparents

Grammy in Heaven

Mrs. Mullen

My Teachers



A happy marriage with my “person”, based on love, respect, and partnership

5 healthy and happy children 

My Dad

My in laws 

A small but tight circle of good friends

A solid job with room for growth


The freedom we enjoy


 My Family

My Friends


Mrs. Mullen

Ms. Katie




Very thankful this year...it has been a challenging one but I find during the most challenging times, you find out who is truly there...who you are blessed to be surrounded by and just how beautiful life truly is!

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Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Aww I loved seeing your family’s thankful thoughts! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Holly!

My Glittery Heart said...

Oh how I love this post! So much to be thankful for!

Sunshine and Books said...

I love your family's thankful list!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your family and that yummy menu you have planned!

Rechelle said...

What a beautiful gratitude list! Love that the whole family shared!!

Good Better Best Food said...

Happy Thanksgiving my sweet friend.

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