
Monday, July 16, 2018

Our Weekend at Laurel and Tom's Lake House

This past weekend was our annual weekend up at Laurel and Tom's Lake House in Laconia NH right on Lake Winnipesaukee!  It did not disappoint.  We all had a great time.  It was the perfect combo of relaxation AND craziness (when you put 6 kids together is there any other option?) ha ha!!!

Here is what it looked like....


The moms headed up ALONE...yep ALONE.  I took two vacation days so I could decompress for awhile (even though I still did work, it was a nice little break)  The Fab Four as we have dubbed ourselves enjoyed relaxing on the boat, listening to tunes  and chatting.  Pure Bliss! 

Beth Ann recreated our favorite salad from Fort Lauderdale....

That night we got dressed up and hit the town...well the next town over...Meredith...and more specifically The Lake Side Grill which is owned by the Common Man family.  It was wonderful....cocktails at the bar overlooking the lake first...

and then delicious dinners....

Such a fun night!


We had a leisurely start to our morning and had coffee out on the deck....and....started our research for February vacation.  I felt like I was on the stock/trading floor with Laurel and Cass...they are pros...like traders....and had us looking at the pros and cons of all of the resorts we could find in Punta Cana.  I had to snap a pic of them in action...

We then actually booked our resort!  All of the research paid off and we found such a great deal-  an all-inclusive resort and the kids get to stay free- FTW!  We had to wait until Sunday to book our flights, when Jet Blue released their new prices but we were on our way!

After this success, we hit the boat again and it was even a better day weather wise and "chill wise"

Then it was time to get ready for our hubbies and kiddos to arrive...our relaxing time was OVER ;)

It was worth it though..look at these faces (Eva and her idol Alana)

Laurel showing me my favorite- incredible blueberries...

Once everyone was settled, Tom grilled and we enjoyed dinner and catching up!  I was wiped!  Time on the lake knocks you out!


This was our full day on the lake...on the boat...with the kiddos...the water carpet and so much fun!!

We stopped at the cutest shop for ice cream....delish!

 and then enjoyed more boat time!

When we got back to the house, we did takeout and games and all kinds of craziness ensued......


We packed up to head home and get organized for our upcoming week.  After unpacking and organizing for the week, I enjoyed binge watching my new favorite show, "Outdaughtered" on TLC!

and we crashed...some more hard than others ;)

 Gotta love Lake Life....we sure do!  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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Rechelle said...

FUN weekend! I love your matching Lilly cover-ups with the ladies :)

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Wow that sure looks like a FUN weekend! Love that you booked a trip! You'll have to let us know if you like the resort--I'll look forward to that trip report:)

Holly Osborn said...

Looks like a great weekend!! And good for you for getting some alone time without the kiddos!!

Terra Heck said...

Looks like an amazing time! Love the matching cover-ups. That salad looks amazing.
I'll be honest, I'd be pretty angry if I was served a meal with just only two fries.

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