
Thursday, August 31, 2017

First Day of School- 2017!

Little Miss Diana Mary started 4th grade yesterday- sound the trumpets!

As excited as she was, she was just as nervous AND this year, so very sad that summer was over.  She kept talking about our great summer memories...kinda gave me a pain in my heart....we gave her a pep talk though and told her the fun doesn't have to be over (make sure it is not in the classroom though) ;)

Of course, we took our obligatory pics on the front stoop!

I thought before I share those pics though, we could take a trip through memory lane....can't believe how much she has grown (even though she is still a little peanut!)


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

and then for our 4th grade pics....I present the following.....

Then the backpack shots of course.....
(same backpack as last year.  It is an Infinity backpack- made for cheerleaders- Diana uses it for school and cheer- great investment and I LOVE the leopard design she picked) :)

and then we always snap a pic getting on the bus
 (You will notice that Mr. V is not in this picture.  To say we were all devastated was an understatement.  He was the best driver ever and became a family friend.  We are not sure if he is still driving in town but Rob promises to get to the bottom of it.  I am thinking from some things he hinted around at last year, that he may have retired.  We are all so sad.  BUT we will move forward and learn to like Gina, our new driver, now!)

Once the bus was driving away, Rob, Eva and I were walking back into the house and Eva says, "I love my sister so much."  Yes the waterworks started...just as I thought it may have been a little easier watching her get on the bus this year....NOPE!

 Anyway, I got back to work and then took a lunch break with my besties so we could celebrate...I mean mourn ;)

We headed to Atkinson Country Club for a lovely lunch and it was a ball!

This is us

and this is how we really felt....
 kidding....kidding of course ;)

 It was Nicole's birthday too so we sang for her!

It was a great day all around....it seems like Diana had a good first day too...I pray for all of the kids that it is a positive year!

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Pray For Texas

Today would typically be the What's Up Wednesday Link Up, however, the ladies decided to put it off for a week out of respect for our bloggers and the people of Houston.

This was part of my post and still will be next week, however, I wanted to take a moment to share how you can help!

 If you want to donate to the people of Southern TX affected by Hurricane Harvey, you can text HARVEY to 90999 and  you will make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross.
These donations will help with basic supplies, medicines and overall relief .  Let's pray that the rain stops today.

We are getting ready for the first day of school today!  You can count on many pics later in the week!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Best Day Ever Edition

Well well....it is one of my favorite linkups, "Show and Tell Tuesday" hosted by Andrea.  Linking up as always HERE

and today's topic may end up being my favorite EVER....

My Best Day Ever and What It Would Look Like...

I guess this is where you will see how quirky I can be...as if you couldn't tell already ;)

Here goes nothing....

 I am a morning person...I love early mornings and the stillness.  So...I would get up at 6am and go for a run.  This run would feel perfect...I would be listening to the best running music on my phone and I would feel like I could run forever!

Then I would come home, shower and wash my hair and then make my first cup of coffee and sit down to read by Daily Devotionals, say prayers and catch up on blogging and social media.

I would make Robby B and the girls a gourmet breakfast and then Claribel would come over to do my hair.

Once that was done, I would get the girls ready for school and then head out to volunteer in their classrooms for a few hours.

Later, I would meet some besties for lunch (on the water in Portsmouth) where we would dine outside and it would be the perfect 75 degrees and sunny. 

After lunch, I would pop into my favorite boutique up there, and pick up a Lilly dress that fits me perfectly.

After that, I would drive the 10 minutes to the beach where I would meet my mom and enjoy precious beach time for an hour or two.

I would then head home where Robby B would be making us all dinner.  We would enjoy dinner with a nice glass of wine and hear all about the girls and their days at school. My parents, in-laws and stepkids would all be there.

I think that sums it up...another perfect day would to just be on the beach and in the ocean all day with my precious fam! Can't wait to see what your perfect days look like.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Diana's 9th Birthday

 What a fun birthday little Miss Diana Mary had!
We usually do a big party at our home.  It is exhausting but always worth it.  I knew Diana was getting older when she asked to do something different this year. She wanted to take her closest friends to Canobie Lake Park.  It is a huge amusement park in the next town over and we try to get there once a year.

On Thursday, her actually birthday, we met the Batsons at Mary Ann's for breakfast.  We decided to make this an annual tradition (Lea's idea).
She and Sam spoiled her with a crown and boa- so fitting for our little diva!

Little Miss Thing started her day with a big 'ole Oreo Shake- how could I say no on her birthday?

After that, Diana played at home while I worked until cheer practice.  That night, we headed to cheer practice and her team sang to her- she was in her glory- I caught a little snippet

On Friday night, we decided to meet at our home first for pizza and cake.  The parents dropped the kids off and we kicked off the celebration.  

Then I was lucky enough to have two of my besties help us for the night.  (Thank God because I don't know how we would've done it without them) 
10 girls+ 1 Pidge+Amusement Park= Lots of work!

Seriously, though, the girls were so well-behaved and I think they had an absolute ball!

Group shot as we got to the park!

Then it was time for lots of rides and fun

We headed out of the park around 9:30 so we had time to bring each girl home.  The time flew by and Diana had was happy so mission accomplished! 

Lastly, I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to my blogger friends in Texas.  I hope everyone is staying safe.  I hope this storm passes quickly.  It has already been three days.  Praying for you all.
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