
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What's Up Wednesday: July 2015

What we're eating this week?
Well...this category for this month is going to Eva...so many firsts...chocolate chip cookie...corn...watermelon...and Mimi's Meatballs!

What I'm Reminiscing About?
Sea Side Farm (of course)

What I'm Loving?
My girls...my family...always :)

What We've Been Up To?
Well since coming back from vacation, we were thrust right into cheer season!
I am helping Diana's team this year so it is a big commitment for both of us...
That is what we have been up to this week and it has been hotter than Haiti...I will NOT complain about the heat though...rather be outside sweating then inside buried under several feet of snow!
Here is our team this year...having fun already...great group of girls!

What I'm Dreading....
Ummmm.....I am not sure on this one...I guess when it starts to get dark earlier....I don't even want to think about that...Summer is my favorite time of year and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the long days...they are energizing!

Sunset in Dennis

What I'm Working On?

Diana's 7th Birthday Party!  Our theme this year is Pancakes and Pajamas
We have a lady coming to do nail art and the girls will also be able to make fruit loop necklaces...simple...a bit smaller this year
and the cake will look like this.....

What I'm Excited About?

Working out with Alice...Eva's Godmother...awesome personal trainer....really should be a LIFE and fitness coach...I have found the person for me....

What I'm Watching/Reading?

Just finished a couple of books during vacation

The first one was weird...freaked me out but it is the first book for a book club I just joined..I guess to look at it in a positive way...it is a book I would never have chosen for myself so it is forcing me to reach some different material
A Land More Kind Than Home

Once I was finished fighting through that one, I picked up an easier and fun read by one of my favorite authors, Elin Hilderbrand...I finished it in two days...it was AWESOME

A Summer Affair

and I am about to start another one of hers...hope it is just as good!
The Blue Bistro

and watchung?
We are still making our way through How I Met Your Mother....I will be so sad when we finish it BUT we are only on Season 6 and there are 9 seasons!

and yes, I'm still a fan of Dance Moms...guilty pleasure ;)

What I'm Listening to?

Kind of going between Michael Buble

and still Frank...
and I try some Pandora Country Mixes for my walks/jogs...I love the sound of Little Big Town..especially the song Little White Church

and jazz on the weekends...like Etta :)

What I'm Wearing?  DRESSES....nothing new!
These two are new for this season...haven't even worn them yet...bought them both in the Spring....

What's I'm Doing This Weekend?
WOW...busy weekend ahead...crashing on Friday night and going to bed early to rest up for all the activity
Saturday Morning is my first golf lesson...then we have a birthday party/cookout at 1 and then some school district friends are coming over and we are cooking on the grill at night
Sunday means mass, shoe shopping for school and then going to our friend's pool in the afternoon

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month
Visiting with Sharon and Maya while they are in the states, our first football game...more time at the beach, Diana's Birthday and Portsmouth with Joe and Jess

What Else is New?
Diana is OBSESSED with our wedding since we showed her the video.  She has seen it twice and she is now obsessed with all of the music....she frequently requests our wedding songs and we hear her listening to Rob's iPad and singing along...just precious....
Our wedding song was Could Not Ask for More by Sara Evans

and our last song was I Have Been Waiting For You by Seal
Question of the month is:
What will you miss most about Summer?
What won't I?  No homework....the long days...the beach...the sun...meals on our deck...swimming...pools...cookouts...flowers...plants..our garden...the clothes...fireworks...popsicles....I could go on forever...can't wait to read about you! 

Linking up with Mel at the Larson Lingo HERE

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Cape Cod with the Fourniers

Have you ever been to Cape Cod?  As we say in New England, "Down the Cape" is where you can exhale.  Crossing the bridge means leaving your troubles behind.  Here we are doing just that!

My friends Marion and John have owned a beautiful property in Dennis, MA.  It is called The Willows.  It was an historic building and an old Inn that they updated.  They have shared many happy memories there and it is a short walk to the neighborhood beaches.

A few years back, they were awarded an opportunity to purchase another property that abuts theirs.  It is another historic property and it is called Sea Side Farm.  When they bought Sea Side Farm, they knew that they would never live there but they would update it and use it for visiting family and as a rental property.  Their daughter Mari is the property manager and she was wonderful to work with.  Look at this beautiful welcome tray she had waiting for us!

We were so excited to be able to rent the property from them this year.  We made a family/friend trip out of our vacation with the Fourniers.

I know Diana had the time of her life and will never forget the special times she shared there with Alexis and Alana.  Eva had so much fun too but I am afraid that she will not remember much, if at all.

She experienced so many "food firsts" too!  She had her first watermelon, first pancake and first chocolate chip cookie.  She even enjoyed rice pilaf one night!  

The first day we got there was time to unpack and get started with water balloons

That night, we ventured out for dinner and enjoyed the Marshside in Dennis.  It was great for families especially with the kids.  They had plenty of toys in the waiting area and even had cocktail service for the adults!  It was also nice and loud so we didn't need to worry about Pidge squacking ;)
We got a few nice shots outside, after dinner.

After dinner, the girls entertained us on the porch...here is their Spice Girls Routine

and the next day....Pidge enjoying her first watermelon :)

Love the sign!

The view from the deck

Our 2nd day meant THE BEACH!  We tried Corporation Beach first.  It was beautiful and the water was so calm and warm but high tide kept making the beach smaller and smaller and it was SO crowded because it was a very hot Sunday!

Steve went home that night to run a golf tournament for the business.  The next day Rob was the bomb and acted as our chauffer.  We decided to do some shopping. We hit the famous Cuffy's for shirts and then some little jewelry and souvenir shops in the area.

Check out the matching "Mom and Daughter" rope bracelets that we snagged ;)

and we had to hit up a Toys R Us so the girls could get Shopkins...Shopkins on the deck for everyone!

After shopping, we enjoyed the deck

One of my favorite things about The Cape is that my favorite flower, the Blue Hydrangea, is EVERYWHERE.  They grow so well near the ocean and beaches.
That night, we hit up "Sundae School" for homemade ice cream.  Pidge was NOT happy when hers was gone!

As the week went on, we loved how Alana grew very fond of Rob ;)

and how Pidge loved EVERYTHING we gave her.  Here she is enjoying her first pancake made by Daddy

Evening stroll at Corporation Beach

The next morning, Rob offered to keep the girls at the house and Cass and I snuck off to Howe St Beaech.  Despite the big sand dune to climb, the beach was more beautiful...less crowded and just what the doctor ordered.  We read and enjoyed some relaxation.

Steve re-joined us and that night, we hit The Sand Dollar Bar and Grill for Kids Karaoke- what a ball they had!

Moms had fun too!

Throughout the week, we really enjoyed the deck and yard.  We painted glasses on the deck with the kiddos and they loved playing with their toys there and running around the yard.  Their favorite part, though, was the swing at Marion and John's.  They were gracious enough to let them use it too :)

Cass and my favorite times were catching up with wine and apps in the afternoon

Alana's Mermaids (they reminded me of the Sea Weed Dolls that I LOVED to play with when I was that age)

Eva enjoyed her first ever chocolate chip cookie on this deck too!
and the girls enjoyed their "homemade popsicles" there too

and snuggling with Eva became a favorite past time too :)

Thursday Night was "Girl's Night Out"...the guys cooked on the grill and then took the girls for bumper car rides and ice cream.  Cass I enjoyed enjoyed apps and drinks at Fin and then a night cap at the Lost Dog Pub

Our last night meant "the last supper" which we enjoyed on the deck

and then heading into Hyannis for some shopping and homemade ice cream at Katie's
We ended the night with time spent at the swings and overlooking the ocean

The lovely Fournier Fam

Until we meet again...

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