
Friday, April 26, 2013

Insta Friday (April 26, 2013)

My week in review...per my iPhone anyway.....

Made lunch for my Mama...complete with "mangoritas"

***In between lunch and work on Friday afternoon...we followed the news coverage until the 2nd bombing suspect was caught...several of our friends and family were in lockdown...one of the scariest days ever...Friday night...to take a break...we enjoyed Zach's volleyball game****

I love my husband

On Saturday, Neil Diamond actually game to the Sox game and sang his signature tune that has become Boston's home tune....amazing...Sweet Caroline forever!

Alana's Birthday Party on Saturday was a blast...

My BFF's mom with her newest grandchild...Basils' baby girl Natalia :)

Diana LOVED the pinata and the bouncy house

Cass, Allison and Me


Sunday Lunch!

Play Date!

 Don't even get me started on the turkey we have seen this week- NIGHTMARE!

Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at  Life Rearranged

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

My husband...always...and how he truly takes care of me

The return of Spring weather

The city of Boston and the people that make up this great place

The support Boston has received from all over the country

The relief we felt Friday night when they caught the 2nd suspect

Quality time with My mom and friends this past weekend

Friday, April 19, 2013

Insta Friday (April 19, 2013)

My week......through my iPhone

Hosted the WHS Volleyball Dinner on Friday night- compared to the Football dinner...it was a walk in the park- started cooking at 6pm that night- it was nothing! :)  (and a whole lot of fun)

The morning after....(time to return the tables and chairs to Taylor Rental!)

Back to dance class!  Someone was so excited to catch up with her dance pals and gossip (4 year old gossip, by the way, is about baby brothers and sisters and build-a-bears) :)

Ahhh....Pleasantville :)

Spring has Sprung....getting the homestead in good shape!



Tix came! (Can't wait for the game with the DiPrimas-love them!)

 Someone loves frozen yogurt- Orange Leaf

Diana's homemade mask for the China exhibit :)

Surprised the family with milk from Shaw Farm- Zach was PUMPED

Necessary treat at work- helps keep the fast-pace up! (iced nonfat soy latte)

and then Starbucks = more placements!  ha ha

and thank you Kayla for the Disney Paper Dolls :)

Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

There are no words to describe the horror of the bombings at The Boston Marathon on Monday.
I am sick...my family is sick...everyone we know is sick about this
We will help as we can and we will pull together as only Boston knows how

During bad times...difficult times...the worst times, I have found that those times are when it may be the hardest to find things you are thankful for...however, you always have to push yourself to dig deep...open your eyes and be grateful for what God gave you.  

I think the image above is perfect for this week's gratitude post.

During the devastation on Monday, I was grateful that I could talk to my husband...that I could hug my baby...that our families and friends were safe.  I also so grateful for the power of social networking to help us communicate when the cell lines were dead.

I am thankful for our community who will pull together to help those families that have been killed, injured or deeply affected.

The innocence of the Boston Marathon may be gone but terror will never take it away...it will be back...it will become, yet again our new normal

Until then, I have been clinging on to words that my daughter said to me right before I had to take a business flight; those who know me, know that I hate to fly and leave my family, especially my daughter since she is so little.  Before I left, she said to me "I love you so much...I am going to miss you so much...you are my world...you are in my heart."  She is 4...She also said to me, "think of me"...I do every minute of every day...I took her love with me and had a great business meeting and came home safely to her and my family.  I am more grateful than ever.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon 2013

Please pray for my city... Pray for those affected today by the bombings at the marathon ... Another unthinkable act...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Insta Friday (April 12, 2013)

A Week in the Life

I was so much better at taking pix this week!  


Modeling for Mama (new Spring/Summer clothes!)

and Mama gets a spring top ;)

Last Cheer Comp!

Cheering makes a monkey tired

My business trip to Delaware on Monday

Only we would get the flaming red rental car with a license plate that reads "YUM"...classic ;)

Historic New Castle was beautiful

End of Season Cheer Party on Wednesday Night!
Diana had a ball...she won "Tightest Tiny and Biggest Diva" ha ha!!

With Coaches Amber and Shawna

and with her idol Coach Lisa!

These girls know how to party ;)

My mom brightened up my week with the gift of St. Anthony- The Alex and Ani Bracelet- my mom is the bomb!

Got invited to a wine club in town...it was my first night and I not only had a ball but learned so much- it is a true education....I already thought it was one of my hobbies but there is so much I do not know and want to learn...uh oh ;)

Started with a glass of wine and snack with the BFF before heading over

Such a fun night!

Hope you all had a fun week...I did..productive...fun.....long....can't wait for the weekend to catch up on some much needed rest!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged
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