
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for...
the abiity to live a healthier life together with my hubby
for being asked to be part of the college touring process withy my stepson...a very enjoyable experience
for my mom and the fact that her injury was a amall one and nothing too scary :)

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Insta Friday (January 25, 2013)

life rearranged

A Week in the life...through my iPhone

One of her epic outfits

"Friday Night Lights" Training the new football moms on all of the pieces that we put in place

Touching...thanks again Pinterest
Kayla cut her hair!  10 inches!

and the beautiful AFTER shots...


Fun night with the Ciardiellos and Contes

Tubby Time!

Massages...how did we get so lucky?

The subject that sparred a Facebook conversation with my former cast mates- 19 years ago, we performed A Few Good Men at UMASS Dartmouth and we sold out every night!

Someone is making a card for CJay :)

Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weekly Gratitude

AMEN to the above

I am thankful for being able to keep going....keep trying...moving forward...balance...peace of mind...today...this week...always

Friday, January 18, 2013

Insta Friday (January 18, 2013)

life rearranged

My Life...this week...captured...by the iPhone


On a mission...

and another mission...for better education for my daughter

Saying goodbye to football

Loving the thoughts and inspiration I find on Pinterest...

Last time for these partners in crime
WHS Varsity Basketball

Fun night at the McDonald's!

New week...another weight loss goal!

Bedroom Coziness...Home Sweet Home :)

Compromising...someone HAD to have the Poptart...so I snuck in the strawberries


 View from my desk at home :)

 Last week before Ally Bean goes back to college (check out the monster toddler in the background-hysterical)

 and the life of a cheerleader...and so it begins...

 Hope you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Praying for...
CJay and his family

Listening to...

Rihanna...Maroon 5....Phillip Phillips

Advocare Fiber Drink


Sperrys...Cole Haan...just a pop of color to get through the Winter :)

and the smell of pure love...

and moving....
and shaking at circuit training...


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