The fall has just begun and there are already so many little things to enjoy....
Football festivities...Fois and Rita came to enjoy one of Zack's games and we had a pizza party after...Diana, of course, roped Fois and Rita into reading to her! She made some real fast friends :)
Dance classes are becoming a little more bearable...so my lunch break on Wednesdays, for now, is stressful but hey...in the long run, it will be worth it...right Mum?? :)
Diana enjoyed her first PB&J at one of Zack's football games
Ally and I went dress shopping for her Fall Dance/Freshman Reception next weekend and we immediately both fell in love with the same dress...we agreed and that was a victory...I took a quick pic of her in it :)
Got a new car...well a new used car...my first "crossover/suv" if you will...I am sooo excited! Of course, I had to purchase the family stickers...I will admit to you that I had the stickers way before the car...I just needed them..I know..that is crazy me
Diana enjoyed Alice's 2nd bday party...she tried to monopolize the slide...sometimes there is no reasoning with her...have I mentioned the terrible twos are here for a while?
We enjoyed apple picking as you already saw....but I also endulged and went to our favorite farm stand down the street to purchase some very special white pumpkins...going nouveau
Rob made his first apple pie of the season and it was better than ever
and I didn't want to say it...or jinx it but what the hell...it is what it is and I may not even do it, even if I get cast...but I auditioned this week for the first time in 15 years...I still can't believe it...I didn't do my best but oh well...I drove away feeling proud that I had the courage to get up there again...we shall see