
Monday, October 27, 2008

The "After Party" (Diana's Christening Party)


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Diana's Christening

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day! Diana Mary Breton was baptized at St. Matthew's Church in Windham, NH.

The weather was wonderful and our closest family and friends joined us in our special celebration. Diana's Godmother is my best friend Cassandra and her Godfather is my brother Matt. We were honored that they stood up for our baby girl!

After the ceremony, we all enjoyed wonderful apps, cocktails, dinner and dessert at The Blackwater Grill in Salem. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND this restaurant. Rob plays here in the bar most Friday nights but the restaurant is also terrific AND the function room downstairs is so funky and fun. The staff was amazing and Christian, the owner, is a terrific business person and a pleasure to work with!

Enjoy the pix..there are many...they may take up several posts...can't help it...I am a proud mom :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The New and VERY FIRST Windham High School!

We went for a tour on Saturday of what will be the very first Windham High School. It is almost done!

What a long fight this has been! It will be completely done in April and we will have more pix then.

Until it is done, here is the exciting progress!

Zack will be class of 2013 and Diana will be class of 2026- can you stand it?????

Party at Donna's :)

Donna- I know you were waiting for this one ;)

Like I have said before, Donna is my friend who did everything the way you are supposed to and WHEN you are supposed to. That is one of the reasons why I look up to her.

I also look up to her because she is basically an awesome person.

So, like me, she loves Greys and thought it would be fun to plan a girls night/party at her house to watch Greys and enjoy a night of Lia Sophia jewelry too.

Well, I didn't make it for Greys (big surprise and Thank you Baby Diana) BUT had a blast browsing jewelry and catching up with some ladies...oh yeah and enjoying some wine.

I attached a picture of the cross necklace I got for myself. I also got XMAS gifts for my mom and Gina but I an not posting them here for obvious reasons. Stay tuned for some personal pix from the party...haven't had a chance to download them yet.

Donna..I LOVED all of your Halloween decorations...you are so creative!!!!! The house looks beautiful and so do you!!

See you soon for our OPIS reunion :)
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