
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And More Baby Shower Pix!

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More Baby Shower Pix!

My Baby Shower!

It was PERFECT in one word. Our parents were so generous and gave us a beautiful baby shower at the Andover Country Club. My mom coordinated all of the details and truly outdid herself- from the beautiful pink rose centerpieces to the delectable and gorgeous chocolate mousse cake to the view overlooking the amazing golf course, the Michael Buble music piped in and the outstanding food and special guests.

Auntie Mar came up with a great idea for a guest book. Instead of a traditional guest book, she had everyone leave us words of wisdom! Cass and Julie helped write down all of our gifts and handed us everything and that was a HUGE help.

It was so nice to see old and new friends and our wonderful families...the kids had a ball too which makes me happier than ever!

We have the best family and friends and we were COMPLETELY overwhelmed by the extreme generosity and thoughtfulness.

Enjoy the pix!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lisa's Surprise 40th!

Lisa is Rob's Ex-Wife. GASP! We still enjoy the responses we get. Michael is her boyfriend and he threw a surprise party for her yesterday. It was really fun and she was totally shocked!

Michael had the party catered by Rick's. The owner is a friend of his ex-wife's- GASP AGAIN! They passed around some fabulous hors d'ouevres and really put on a nice shindig.

We were touched to be included and had a nice time up in Brentwood yesterday.

Fest-A-Ball 2008!

Every year, the WBSL (Windham Baseball Softball League) puts on a Fest-a-Ball Celebration at Griffin Park. It is alot of work and unfortunately, last year, we were completely rained out. This year, we had scheduled the festival for a day in May and again rained out. BUT! We rescheduled for yesterday and had a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

Dan Skye (better known by the kids as "DSKY") from Making the Band, sang our National Anthem....Joel Cadoret aka "Jimmy" brought out the sausage cart and his chef attire and turned Griffin into Fenway Park!

There were games, inflatables, a dj, emcee, concessions and lots of fun!

I presented a coaching award to Donna Polcari and barely got through it. She was touched and it was such a great day!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sex in the City Round Two!

So I had to see this fantastic movie again with my Cass. She loved it just as much as I did...ladies...I could see it again! What are you waiting for?

It is even better the second time around...the only problem? It makes you really want to shop....realllll bad!!!!

The Birds

Yeah..most of you who know me well know that I HATE birds...have always been afraid of them..don't like their wings and the sound of the flapping...yuck!

So I am coming out of Klemm's with our dessert for our special dinner with Sharon and I open my car door, sit down and a bird flys in with me!!!!!

You know what happens next....I start screaming bloody blue murder....jump out of the car flailing everywhere....thank GOD the bird flys out but I can't calm down then I start panicking...I am thinking...that is it..I am going into early labor!

Some guy pulls up beside me in his fancy SUV and looks at me making a gesture like I am crazy...if he only knew ;)

I get in the car...call Rob and ask him if he thinks I will go into labor...he really tried not to laugh..just told me I was okay and to come home.

I know...only me.

Quality Time with Madame Sharon

So before Sharon headed back to France, we were blessed with her presence on Tuesday night. She came for dinner and we had a ball!

It is so fun to compare pregnancy stories and it makes us so happy that we will have daughters together...even though continents apart, we have vowed to forever to remain close.

Sharon's daughter will be named Maya Leigh Lenormand. She will be named Maya after the first song that Sharon ever learned in French called "Maya the Bee". Even more creative, Sharon is decorating her nursery with a bumble bee theme...just adorable.

So we dined on my homemade eggplant parm, bowtie pasta, salad and garlic bread. For dessert, we endulged in some giant chocolate chip brownies and mini cheesecakes courtesy of Klemm's Bakery in Windham*

We had some laughs and Sharon educated us on some politics in France...then we spent some time in Diana's nursery and I showed Sharon everything this baby-to-be has already received from my generous friends and family.

The kids just love Sharon...they took to her the first time they met her and they are just so happy when she is around...it is because she is so real. Sharon loved how chaotic our house is...I think she also noticed that when things are crazy with noise and kids...I am my happiest- go figure!

I will miss you mon cherie...come back soon!

*I will post separately the "mini nightmare" I had coming out of Klemm's Bakery with our dessert in a separate post! :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lunch With Tammy

Today I finally got to see Tammy. Tammy is due next week! I know- ALL THESE BABIES!! I have heard there is a baby boom this year and if my friends are any example of the mass population, I would say this is true!

Tammy and I had a great lunch up at the Black Cow in Newburyport- it was the perfect day to be out on the water.

We traded war stories and shared some laughs- we get along so well and we are so excited to be having babies together- oh the things we will do and the damage we will do in the stores!!!

Good luck Tammy- I know you are down to the wire- you are going to be a great mom!! You look gorgeous too- seriously! :)

Sharon's Baby Shower!

Mon Cherie Sharon is home from France for a few weeks. The good news is she is expecting a little bundle of joy and she is out of the danger zone! She just found out, too, that she is having a girl- yippee!! Her name will be Maya Leigh Lenormand- so pretty!

Sharon looks gorgeous- so healthy and happy. I am so excited that we are going through pregnancy together even though we will be continents apart- our friendship is timeless!

So her mom and sister threw her a great shower last night at Papa Razzi in Burlington. We had a great private room, lots of fabulous Italian food and fun games to keep us laughing. Sharon got some great things including all of her bedding (which goes with her bumble bee theme!)

I love you and hope you come up for dinner this week before you fly back to France!!!!

PTA Surprise Shower!

So I headed over to Laurie's on Thursday night for what was supposed to be our "End of Year PTA Party/Wrap Up." Well I walked in and saw my mom and I just froze. At first it didn't register and I thought my pregnancy insanity was kicking in again. Then I realized what was really going on.

My wonderful Windham PTA friends threw me a Surprise Baby Shower and invited my mom to join in.

It was one of the best nights of my life- such a surprise, so sentimental and so much fun!

They went all out getting wraps from the Gourmet Grille. Krissy made this dynamite sweet and sour orzo. Laurie had a large fruit salad with this awesome fruit dip- it had grand marnier in it- hello delish? She also made her legendary salsa that has corn and beans and avacados in it. Any of you that have been following my pregnancy diet knows that avacados have been a must-have daily staple!

For dessert, my mom made her pizzellias and Anne-Marie made the cutest little baby feet cookies! I made chocolate covered strawberries which I thought were for our "wrap up"- too funny! Heather made the prettiest pink cookies too. They also got a delicious cake and I am including a picture of it. Laurie made the coolest pink punch in green cups to go along with "Diana's Theme" Unreal!

When it was time to open presents, I was completely overwhelmed. These ladies were so generous and helpful! They got me the spa tub, the bath tub, the pooh hooded robe and slippers, hooded towels, wash cloths, bottle brushes and the nose suction thingy! I also got the boppy pillow and a pretty pink cover for it, the mobile for the nursery, beautiful dresses, a gorgeous hat, the softest blankets and the greatest gift of all.

The ladies started a wonderful library for Baby Diana. They all brought books for the baby and they are all so special...I can't wait to peel through all of them!

Oh yeah, Mommy got a gift certificate to Soleil Spa too..I am going to save it for after the baby arrives and when I feel I need to get out of the house for a few hours :)

Another special treat were the onesies the girls presented me. They had decorated onesies for the baby so the are extra special. What was really a blast about that part was that Ben and Max joined in and decorated a few too- these boys are brilliant and hysterical like their mom so you know I will laugh every time I put their onesies on Baby Diana :)

Ladies, you are all so inspirational to me- you are the moms I hope I will be some day. You all do so much for you kids and have a passion for getting involved. It has been a blast working with you and of course, socializing with you. I am honored to say I am part of the Windham PTA and I will be forever grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
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