
Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday Favorites (December 13, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday...here to share some faves...truth be told this has been one of the hardest weeks and can I saw awful weeks of my life?  It's not easy being a parent and when your child is hurting...you hurt right?  Tuesday was a horrible night ...like we felt we were on candid camera...and our little fam is shocked and devastated and just trying to move forward...Nevertheless, I try to stay positive here and I am focusing on some glimpses of joy...eventually I will share when it becomes less painful....



Inspiration To Pass On



Music in 2024

 My recap from Apple Music was no surprise and so fun to look at...of course Taylor Swift and Shania Twain were my two biggest artists and some of Ariana Grande's songs were at the top too...loved this!








 My Babies

Aww...these memories are killing me!


Quality Snuggling Time

Just what the doctor ordered this week!

More Fun Hockey Pics


Book Club Holiday Dinner

7 years...35 books...PTA brought us together and Book Club is keeping us all going

and wrapping this up with an accomplishment...we raised 80k for Blackout this year...not as much as last year but inflation took its toll on our non profit too...we are prepared to come back stronger than ever next year to crush numbers from the last two years!

Have a wonderful weekend XO




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Maria Rineer said...

Sorry you had some bad news this week and thanks for keeping it real. It's hard to hurt but hiding it and pretending everything is great when it isn't, is not healthy. I hope your weekend is a great one. Also love that you listen to Morgan Wallen! I know just about all of his songs from the girls who really like him! Hockey and throwback pics are so great! Have a good day- you got this!

Amy Scott said...

My cousin said it best when she told me sometimes she longed for the physical exhaustion of parenting younger kids after dealing with the mental and emotional exhaustion of parenting older kids. Even though mine are 22, I am still dealing with mental and emotional exhaustion and it's rough. Thinking of you. You and your hub seem like the best and most present parents so I know you've got this, but I am so sorry.

Memphis Bridges said...

Oh Holly, I am so sorry for the hurt your family has been experiencing this week. The hurt our kids go through is so difficult. Those quotes shared are certainly inspirtational though to remind us to keep going, one step at a time, one minute at a time. I hope your family finds rest and comfort this weekend with some laughter along the way.

Natasha said...

I'm so sorry your family is going through a tough time. Those seasons of life are never easy and I will be praying for you all as you work through it. Also, that meme about embracing the small moments of joy is really speaking to me right now. I'm having a hard time with the "whoo hooo it's almost Christmas" feeling this year so I'll keep looking for small moments to embrace. Thank you.

Cara said...

I’m so sorry that your week was so awful. Parenting older kiddos (I think) is do much harder when they’re older because we can’t fix things for them. Praying for your family.

Kirsten said...

Taylor seemed to be a lot of people's top artist this year, including me! I hope you have a great weekend!

Joyce said...

I'm sorry for whatever is going on that is painful. It's hard to write around things I know and hopefully your weekend is one filled with family and peace for you all. Those time hop photos go straight to the heart. Take care.

Joanne said...

Aw, I am so sorry that you had such a tough week! How wonderful that your book club is going strong all these years later (and that you actually read the books still! LOL).

Kim Carberry said...

Sending love and hugs. I hope things are better for your family soon.
I don't understand how Shania Twain wasn't on my most played on Spotify, I was obsessed with her this year. Of course Taylor Swift was my top artist.

Diane said...

So much truth to the saying “you are only as happy as your unhappiest child”! Also, you will never forget anyone who has shown kindness to your child (no matter how old they are ). Prayers from Waco for a better week.

Tanya said...

I'm sorry to hear it was a tough week. Being a parent to a teen or young adult is just not easy, as you feel all of their disappointments and heartbreak with them. I hope you all are able to find joy despite whatever happened.

My Glittery Heart said...

I am so sorry it was a rough week! Praying for your family!! I hope y'all have a good weekend!!

Mandy said...

Thinking of you and your family, I hope it gets better however it needs to!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

I'm so sorry to read about the week that went terribly awry, Holly. I do know what it's like to see your kids hurt, and that never gets easier, no matter how old they are. I love that you still came here to share the little glimpses of joy that you sought after this week. You will get through this, and I know your family will be stronger as a result. I wish I could hug you, so consider this the virtual version. Do I need to come be Mama Bear with you?? Love you, friend!

Good Better Best Food said...

Sending you love and peace to your family. I be praying too. Just getting caught up on things. Xoxo

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