
Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Favorites (March 3, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  If all goes as planned, I am waking up in Siesta Key Florida, at my parents' condo, (that they rented) with my girls and we are soaking up a little sun and willing spring to start when we return home tomorrow ;)

In fact, I am SO set on Spring that I refuse to tag my posts with Winter from here on out this year.  You will notice that this is tagged Friday Favorites AND Spring...yeah!

For Friday Favorites...I thought I would share a few glimmers of spring hope with you....I feel we can all use the joy of spring right now and will it to get here sooner...who is with me?

As always, linking up HERE for Friday Favorites

Ruched Midi Dress

Find it HERE

and it's in my FAVORITE color...Kelly Green...can I get a what what? ;)







Outfit Love

Target...For Diana.....

and For Eva....

Old Navy

Spring Scent

I typically wear Estee Lauder Pleasures each Spring but for an alternate scent...something a little more exciting for our little getaway, I went with

Michael Kors Exotic Blossom

Smells like Spring :)


I bought this years ago when I went to Fort Lauderdale with besties and I am bringing out again for this time in FLA

Amazon Love

A few things that are coming in handy

Sunscreen for the Girls

Luggage Scale

I refuse to pay to bring a bag and yes we needed "options" ;)

Hair Supplies

The girls have auditions on Sunday at LDA for the return of some spring shows and the hair must be neat as a pin!

My ACK Hat

Because I am already excited about being there for a weekend in May and because it is so cute...needed to bring it out this weekend!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend wherever you may be XO

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Natasha said...

I'd love to join you in Spring mode but winter is coming back today. Ugh. So. Much. Snow coming our way. Soak up a little extra sun for me please!

Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

I love Siesta Key! The sand! Have you watched the show? So silly, but I liked it. Enjoy!

Ruth said...

Happy Spring Holly! Have a wonderful weekend 😊

Jennifer Goodwin said...

I hope you fun for your time at the beach! What a sweet little getaway. I'm glad you've had a good week and spring is right around the corner. I know you're loving knowing that!

Maria Rineer said...

Have the best time in Florida! What a great time for a getaway. Our spring break isn't until APRIL ;(. Awww, seeing those bobby pins brings back dance memories for me. I used to buy them when they'd go on sale when Abby danced and probably have hundreds of them. The sight of our accumulation of them makes me miss dance so much. I know you are appreciating every dance, show, competition and that's what you HAVE to do!! Safe travels home and enjoy that SUN :).

MandyJoyLoves♥ said...

I'll have to smell that perfume in the store sometime, always looking for new ones. Have a great time in Florida, so jealous!!! It's rainy and cold in Ohio today.

Sunshine and Books said...

Holly, this post is so full of goodness!! I love the outfits and the looking to spring!! I hope you’re having the best time!!

Joanne said...

Enjoy what I hope is lots of nice warm sunshine!

Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy said...

I hope that you are enjoying the warmth!! And all of those outfits are so cute!

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