
Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday Favorites (October 28, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Fri Yay!

Linking up HERE and sharing some faves from our week!



We put Remi in "daycare" for the first time over the wedding weekend...I was so nervous but he did very well and even socialized with other dogs.  He really never gets the chance to...anyway...I missed him so much BUT would highly recommend The Barking Dog in Derry NH if you are local.  They took such great care of him and provided us updates and photos every day over text.

Though he "had fun" I can tell from the pictures that he is SO nervous but anyway...he is home...and now I KNOW he is relaxed and happy :)









A Win

I call this one a win because she needed to take a picture of the breakfast I made her :)


NEW Swig Cup!

Like I didn't have enough already right?  Anyway.....THIS ONE is my fave yet...so festive AND so stylish

Nail Color

My new fave...wore it for the wedding and loving it with my fall outfits- El Mat-adoring you from OPI

Dinner with the Fab Four

Getting dressed up and heading to my fave restaurant with my fave ladies is always a good idea- if you are local, check out Surf in Nashua!

Then and Now
Nuff Said

Follow The Joy



Halloween Wine Club

My Wine Club met last night and it was Lea's turn to host and given that she is the "Queen of Halloween" she made us come as a scary version of ourselves- it was so fun and she of course had all of her elegant Halloween decorations in full effect..this month we changed up the format and each brought our fave wine (we did this as teams of two) and a favorite appetizer...Beth Ann and I brought a bottle of Ink Blot Cab Franc and I made a warm spinach dip ....we had a great night of sharing our fave wines, catching up and many laughs of course!





That's a wrap!  I would wish you a Happy Halloween Weekend but truth be told I am already in Christmas mode this year and we are starting our decorating tomorrow- I am GIDDY- have a great one and thanks for stopping by!

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Jennifer Goodwin said...

What a fun week! I love that nail color...I've not seen that one yet, but I may try that after Christmas. Your doggy daycare pics of Remy are adorable! I know that made your heart happy to see that he was being so well taken care of...even if he was nervous. Poor little guy! I love the next pic of him curled up on a chair. I LOVE that your wine club had a spooktacular night together....love all the costumes! Someone is VERY creative! Have a great weekend, friend!

Maria Rineer said...

What a fun Halloween themed book club get together. I am hosting a very low key Halloween dinner for tomorrow that I'm prepping right now. The decor will not be spooktacular but I'll have some festive touches. Love your nail color and your wavy hair- lookin' good mama. Love the throw back dance picture, too. What a neat history to have together!! When I hear Nashua, NH, all I can think of is Michael and Holly from The Office ;). Have a great weekend!

MandyJoyLoves♥ said...

Cute costume with the scissors! Happy Friday!

Joanne said...

Your wine club looks so fun!! I love your nails and that pretty fall color.

Sunshine and Books said...

That's a great color!! Wine club looks so fun!

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