
Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday Favorites (Kayla and Marshall's Rehearsal Edition)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We made it!

Today, I am dedicating my Friday Favorites post to Kayla and Marshall as last night was the Rehearsal and Dinner before the big day tomorrow!


We had a great night connecting with Marshall's family and some friends and got even more excited for the wedding!


 Kayla has done an amazing job creating so many beautiful things with her Cricut...check out her wedding pieces....


Getting ready to "rehearse"

The ceremony and reception will take place at The Canoe Club Ballroom in West Bridgewater MA.  It looks like the weather will be cooperating so the ceremony will be outside on the grounds in front of their gazebo and the reception will be back in the ballroom- it is a beautiful spot!

It will be dark at 6:30 pm but they will have things well lit.  I found it to be elegant last night during the rehearsal!

and then we had a blast afterwards at Barrett's Ale House!



Sidenote: Marshall's Uncle is a famous actor- John Marshall Jones- you may remember him from Smart Guy or Bosch or several other films and tv shows- to Marshall he is Uncle JJ.  Eva is his biggest fan and she was so excited to finally meet him in person last night- he is a wonderful guy and we really enjoyed his stories about being an actor :)

Uncle JJ was also great with giving Diana acting and career advice

and Kayla gave all of the ladies beautiful silk pjs to put on while we get ready tomorrow- they are so pretty and she is just so so thoughtful!


Bye Zach! :)

Have a great weekend friends!  Join us back here on Monday for Hello Monday!



Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

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Joanne said...

EEK! I can't believe it's here already. I hope they have the BEST wedding ever. Wishing you and you family a wonderful weekend. The rehearsal dinner looks wonderful and she did such a great job with all her Cricut signs. I handmade a lot of stuff for my wedding too and boy, it would have been wonderful to have had a Cricut way back then.

Tanya said...

It looks like the bride thought of everything with all those cute details! have a fun weekend celebrating the wedding!

Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

Oh, so much fun! Have a wonderful day today!

My Glittery Heart said...

So fun!! I love weddings!!

Jennifer White said...

I love the hashtag...so fun! Looks like everyone had a great time. I can't wait to read the wedding recap! Such a special time for you all.

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