
Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Favorites


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  It was a great week....linking up, as always, HERE to share some recent faves...including some faves from the last month or so because I have some catching up to do!




Presidential Wine Club


I hosted some of our wine group last month.  The group typically has over 20 people but due to these times, only 6 of us gathered.  Our theme in November, given it is an election year, was "Presidential Wines" and we had fun with this theme...  (completely non-partisan I may add) :)


Laurel, who is our leader, picked the different wines and shared with us the Presidents that enjoyed these wines...


 Tattinger- Champagne that was a favorite of President Kennedy and President Nixon

Chateau Siran- a favorite of President Thomas Jefferson and Nixon

Chateau Beauchene- a favorite of President Kennedy and President Jefferson and

BV- Beaulieu Vineyard Rutherford BV- a favorite of President Ronald Reagan

We each contributed dishes that were favorites of our presidents too 

We always have a dynamite cheese board- cheese was a favorite of President Jefferson too- everyone contributed some great cheeses for the board!


Sweet Potato and Marshmallows was a favorite of President Herbert Hoover so I made this in little tartlets :)


Chicken Pot Pie was a favorite of President Warren Harding so Cass picked up a pie from a local famous place called Harrow's 


Chicken Salad was a favorite of President Woodrow Wilson so I snagged some great local chicken salad and stuffed it into slider rolls 


Fresh Fruit was a favorite of President John Quincy Adams so Laurel spoiled us with an amazing bowl of this goodness 


I also supplemented with a few additional treats- Olive and Cheese Appetizers from Trader Joe's, a Baked Brie En Croute from Gold Belly and Dessert Liquor Truffles from Trader Joe's

 It was an educational, relaxing and great night with some of the best ladies I know!



Sleep Masks


Thanks to Amazon I could help my hubby with his request....having trouble sleeping with the Christmas Tree in our bedroom....I can't stop laughing when he says it...he literally asked for a sleep mask so I got him a Batman one ;)



and of course the girls both requested masks too....was able to get this pic of Pidge with hers on one night...can't stand the cuteness!




Saying Goodbye to her 2nd Artist In Residence


Diana enjoyed having PA Ballet's Garritt McCabe teaching her for the month of November....she will miss him but enjoyed his going away celebration



Fave Recent MEMEs

Holiday Fun

Auntie Mar blessed us with some Nutcracker ornaments and a fun Nutcracker craft for Pidge and she loved putting it together- it is a Nutcracker Themed Countdown to Christmas Calendar- so fun!

and I gave the girls each a new Nutcracker to celebrate their successful filming weekend and Diana is obsessed with hers! :)

That's a wrap!  We have a festive weekend planned but tonight, I start making a hole in my wrapping....I am typically not a procrastinator BUT I always am with wrapping and I just have to bite the bullet!



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Andrea Nine said...

So much Friday festive news here! I love the nutcrackers and that dinner looked delightful, especially with an amazing cheeseboard and good beverages! Have a super sweet weekend my friend!

Natasha said...

Oh my goodness -- I LOVE that "importance of smaller steps" one and it really spoke to me. Also, the official sports drink when I was a kid and the 1975 versus today driving comparisons nailed my childhood!!!

When my grandpa died in 1999, my cousins and I were the pallbearers, and my dad drove his coffin from the church to the cemetery in the back of the truck bed and all us cousins drove back there with the coffin because that's we did in our childhood. I was 27 years old and it was so meaningful for all of us.

Maria Rineer said...

What a fun theme for your wine tasting (but I could not have been non partisan :))- combining American history with good company and lots of fun/ food. Loved the meme about transportation. My siblings and I sat in the back of my dad´s pickup truck whenever he´d let us (and since the five of us could not all fit in the front, we rode in the back a lot whenever my dad took us kid anywhere!).

Joanne said...

Oh those memes! They're hilarious. Your wine night sounds like so much fun (and I don't even drink wine!). We ate Thomas Jefferson's vanilla ice cream when we were at Mount Rushmore; apparently their ice cream is based off his original recipe from 1780... it just tasted like vanilla to me.

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Your wine club is so fun--love that you have a theme!! That gold nutcracker is so pretty. My 8 year old collects nutcrackers and I try to find unique ones.

Rechelle said...

Love the themed wine club! And those sleep masks, LOL ;)

Good Better Best Food said...

I absolutely love that wine tasting idea. I just may borrow that when covid is over.

Happy Friday friend.

Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy said...

That wine night sounds like so much fun! And those sleep masks are great!

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