
Monday, November 30, 2020

Scenes From Our Different Thanksgiving Weekend and Hello Monday!


Hello Friends and Hello Monday!  I wanted to share some scenes from our very different Thanksgiving Weekend...grateful that some of our traditions could continue....missed the Nutcracker terribly but found the joy in every day and grateful for my family and friends in my bubble...here is what it looked like....





Breakfast with the Fourniers...a tradition they couldn't take away from us!




Fun Beverages for the Mamas too of course ;)

Homemade Treats from Besties- lovely surprise!

Wednesday Night

We were back with the Fourniers- they came over for dinner and we did Pasquale's Takeout...


Cass brought me Hallmark Wine!  I am never opening it- I will proudly display it every year :)

Thursday- Thanksgiving!

Rob got up with me and the birds so we could get our bird in the oven and get some things prepped....prepping "Tom" here...

Check out our silly shirts- ha!

Once the older kids all got here, we headed outside to snap some fun pics....we found our Christmas Card pic too... so happy to get that done and get our cards ordered!

Won't show you that one...but here is a nice "normal" family shot ;)

Then some of us did our very own "virtual" Turkey Trot...different but still felt great to start the day with exercise...Zach is always my "Trotting" partner....Ally, Diana and Rob joined us too while Pidge stayed back at the house with Kayla and Papa...

Snapped a shot at one of our favorite places....

After that, we all enjoyed breakfast together and I introduced the fam to the Hot Buttered Rum...it was a big hit!  When the older kids headed off to their Mom's...we continued to prep, got showered and dressed for the day...had to snap a few pics of course!

My parents and brother arrived and Papa came back upstairs so we could start with apps and cocktails (Lea's family ended up not being able to join us due to COVID exposure- we were so sad- I really missed her this weekend- we all agreed we would make up for it next year!)


Check this out...Diana at her first Thanksgiving and Diana at this Thanksgiving- both times with the turkey- she was not happy in the first one and the second one she showed off her acting skills ;)



The day was quiet and relaxing for the most part (after I shattered my most time-consuming and difficult side dish- butternut squash souffle- but such is life!)

Got a couple of more pics...

We ended the time with my parents by watching one of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies in my office- The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year- loved it!  My Mom said you must LOVE this room- it is so cozy- I said I DO...it is my fave...I spend so much time in here and it makes me happy!


Later that night, the girls piled into our bed so we could partake in another Thanksgiving Night Tradition- watching our favorite Christmas Movie- Christmas Vacation- so fun!




Cass and I met first thing (Hello 5am!) for our Annual Black Friday tradition- sure we were a little nervous but we ended up not having anything to worry about- our first two annual stops are Starbucks and Old Navy and both were dead...


This was our 5th Annual Black Friday Adventure...we agreed that we will know exactly what year it was when we look back at this picture...sigh...


Then we got our scratch tickets and hit Christmas Tree Shop for our wrapping paper, stocking stuffers and such...and then headed to a new destination for breakfast- The Friendly Toast....it was amazing!!!! (We were way early so Tuscan wasn't open yet- that is where we usually go....I was wondering why we were so early and then remembered it was because we didn't have to stop home so I could do Nutcracker hair and makeup...oh pain in my heart!)

After breakfast, we headed across the parking lot to Trader Joe's and snagged a few treats and then we headed to a new destination for us this year...The Merrimack Outlets (instead of the mall- outside- more safe and I really dislike malls anyway!)

So glad we did....got some really good deals!  Picked out presents for ourselves too....hey we made it easy for our hubbies ;) (Thank you Marc Jacobs- ha!)

We wrapped up our day with lunch and our dessert (peanut butter cup martinis) at CD....we called it a success!

That night, the girls decorated the final tree in the house- their tree which now sits in our upstairs hallway- they were very proud!


We started our day with our weekly date walk....my happy place!

and then Diana joined The Drive Family and met up with some besties at my gym for small group training....this kid never stops...wants to be in tip top shape and help her dancing...

After some errands, I met up with two of my besties for a quick celebratory cocktail to wish Bethany a Happy Birthday- she is the best!

That night, we were thrilled to peel through the Windham Magazine- so excited to have a huge article written about our Nutcracker Movie....we even got the cover with our beautiful Snow Queen....Diana made the inside shots too...so very exciting!


It was all about mass, errands and getting organized for our week.....and maybe a nap or two....we needed it!  Though I didn't get to wrapping like I wanted to, I caught up on some reading and Pidge and I did a few CCD lessons....we enjoyed Thanksgiving leftovers and called it a great weekend!

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What's Up Wednesday- November 2020


I can't believe it is the end of November BUT I am also happy to move forward...get closer to 2021 and be able to get that vaccine!  I know I know...too deep...but anyway...linking up for  my favorite post of the month HERE and sharing "What's Up" with us!

What We're Eating This Week

Oh it is the big food week of the year...typically we make do with what we have in the fridge but we are kinda wiped out SO picked up a few things to make meals early in the week.....

Monday- Fish Sticks and Fries for the kiddos and Grilled Salmon and Spinach for Mama and Daddy

Tuesday- Chicken Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries and Pickles

Wednesday- Thanksgiving Eve!  Oh I am so sad that we can't do our big party this year BUT that just means next year will be bigger and better- the kids are coming home and we are doing Pasquale's takeout

Thursday- The Big Kahuna- you know how this day will go

Friday- Leftovers



What I'm Reminiscing About


Thanksgiving Eves and Thanksgiving Days of Past



 What I'm Loving


All of our Christmas lights and decorations...tour coming soon...just love the coziness and extra cheer :)



What We've Been Up To


We celebrated Halloween with Dorothy and Some Mean Girls ;)



Saturday Morning Date Walks Continue- still my favorite part of each week- even when it was 19 degrees- brrrrr.....



 I enjoyed a lovely dinner in Portsmouth with my friends who are in my bubble...

Diana's Middle School Field Hockey Team took home the State Title- it was a wonderful experiene!


We decorated for Christmas early!!!

We voted in the presidential election!

and we had a very successful weekend filming NEDE's Nutcracker- CANNOT WAIT to see the movie!

What I'm Dreading

If/when the kids go remote again...I know Diana can handle it but I am worried about Eva- she is only in first grade and Rob and I both work full time AND in sales...we may have to hire a tutor/babysitter and I am just dreading it all....so much anxiety right now :(

What I'm Working On

My job has been CRAZY busy and I am LOVING it...I am slammed and our firm is picking up all around..as busy and as tired as I am at night...I am sleeping so much better...I pray this continues in 2021 and pray this is the beginning of a recovery!  




What I'm Excited About



Thanksgiving Weekend....even though things will look different...I am grateful to spend some qt with our family and closest friends (in our bubble)....Thanksgiving Dinner...our very own Turkey Trot and safe Black Friday shopping...some things they can't take away from us! 


 What I'm Watching/Reading



Well it has been a whole lot of Hallmark in these parts ;) (I am sure that does not surprise you)




and then A Million Little Things and This Is Us both have returned so we watch those on the DVR



Also found a new series on Hulu called A Teacher....dramatic...creepy and so good! 



 and my two books for November...

I Heart My Little A-Holes by Karen Halpert


 Very funny, tongue-in-cheek documentary on motherhood...more for moms of little ones but I got some chuckles out of it

and I am now reading 

Calling Mrs. Christmas by Carole Matthews

A cute read for the season

What I'm Listening To

Sirius XM Holiday Traditions and Holly..anytime we are in the car!

What I'm Wearing

LOTS of black...it is really my go-to in the Winter- then as we get closer to Christmas, I will add some festive touches- like a tartan plaid scarf or a shimmery necklace...oh yes and maybe a festive pair of shoes :)


What I'm Doing This Weekend


Hopefully starting to wrap...I wanted to feel more organized and get that behind me....I don't enjoy wrapping....but we will see where the weekend takes us...I want to keep busy...it is typically Nutcracker weekend for us and I am sad


What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month


Christmas!  Also all of the surprises that go along with this beautiful holiday season! 



What Else Is New?


I think I covered it...Happy Thanksgiving Friends!

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