
Monday, March 25, 2019

Life Lately and Hello Monday (March 2019)

Thank you so much for all of your messages, texts, calls, well wishes and overall support.  I am humbled and grateful for our village.

Last Monday, my mom was out for her daily run and a dog jumped on her and pushed her (out of excitement- nothing vicious) and she lost her balance, fell into the street, and couldn't get up.

The owner helped get her up and into her car and brought her home where my Dad then brought her to the hospital and got her into a wheelchair.

After x-rays, they discovered that her hip was broken and needed immediate surgery.  She ended up getting an entire hip replacement- made more sense- clean- will last 30 years (she is 70) and her surgeon was AWESOME. I loved her.  Confidant- energetic- helpful and exactly what you want in a doctor

 She came home by Wednesday- it is unbelievable.  Because she is so fit and determined, she started walking with a walker immediately- passed the stairs test on Wednesday morning and was home by Wednesday afternoon.  Now a Physical Therapist and Nurse come to the house to help her with the rehab but as the surgeon said, she will be better in no time an can even run again!

 This threw us for a loop as you can imagine.  It makes you stop dead in your tracks...goodbye routine...goodbye sleep...goodbye peace...just wanted my Mama to heal.

 I am thankful for a flexible company that allowed me to get my work done and visit my mom a few times last week.  My mom and dad both need me.

My hubby and Father In Law kept everything together at home- they are my rocks.

In addition, my tribe jumped in with emotional support and got me through one of the toughest weeks my family has ever had.

In the middle of it all, one night, the PTA pulled off our Educator of the Year Ceremony and it ended up being RECORD BREAKING.  We sold more tickets than we ever had...we had to order more food which never happens and our venue had to keep bringing out more and more chairs....it was so ironic after a very hard week for Rob too.  Being on the school board, there has been lots of drama in town and Tuesday night, he and his fellow board members were yelled at for four hours...the most thankless job in the world...sigh.

I am so glad that week is behind us.  I would like to share the rays of sunshine with you....that helped to carry us through.....

This committee helped me to make this the best Educator Of The Year Ceremony of all time.  So grateful for the end result- it was amazing!  Given I only slept a total of 8 hours all week, I was pretty impressed with pulling this off on Wednesday night!

 Thursday night, I could've just curled up in the fetal position, but I knew I needed my prayer group and so I forced myself to go and I am so glad I did.  Meeting these ladies, and fellow moms from town, has been another blessing.  Everyone took time to pray for my mom and our family and it is just what the doctor ordered.

On Friday, while Mama and Daddy were working, Papa and Eva went on their weekly lunch date and grocery shopping trip BUT since it was Papa's birthday, Eva insisted on paying and she stayed true to her word....I cried when I saw this picture...I just can't take it 

 That night, the Big Kids took Papa to dinner and came back to our house so we could spoil him with a birthday cake!

On Saturday, we caught up on some rest and got Diana to rehearsal for The Lorax.  Even Eva agreed to take a little nap :)

That night, we brought the girls to see Mimi for the first time since her accident.  We needed to celebrate her birthday too!  We had what she wanted- pizza, salad and cake- she is doing so well-we are very proud of her progress-she is so determined!

Yesterday we took Papa to lunch (Tuckaway Tavern)- constant birthdays around here! 

Looking forward to kicking this week's butt as we say.....

Linking up with Heather and the gals HERE

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Tanya said...

That was quite a week! I'm so glad you're mom is ok now, but what a scare! I hope things quiet down now and that your mom heals and recovers quickly. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

Rechelle said...

What a week!! Glad that week is behind you, here's to calmer & happier times ahead ;)

Terra Heck said...

So glad that your mom is recovering well. Congrats to the PTA for selling so many tickets.

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Wow Holly it really was a week for you and your family! Your mom is a TROOPER! So awesome that she is making a quick recovery. I hope she continues to heal quickly and I hope you get some time to rest soon too!

Lysha said...

So glad every thing turned out so well with your mom. It is so great to have an understanding boss and family and friends who step in when needed.

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