
Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Favorites (It's Spring Edition!)

Woohooo for Friday and Woohoo for Spring-yeah!!!

As always, I am linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE to share some of our faves from the week.....

Eating The Rainbow

Feels so good to be back on track!

Fave MEMEs of the Week!


Our family friend Ella made this "Edit" of Eva and I can't get enough of it....these kids and technology just amaze me!  (Does that make me sound old?  ha ha!) 

and then Diana was inspired so she made one for me too :)

Daddy Daughter Pix

The professional shots just came in.  We already framed this one...

and I ordered a few more that will be in over the next few weeks- I am so glad that we got one of Diana and her pals- it came out so cute and I will definitely share it here once it is in!

Fave Fashion Pieces

Things I am eyeing include leopard touches on shoes and tops and more...

Dance Season

Diana is gearing up for her busiest time with dance AND Pidge is gearing up for her recital too- this is one of her costumes- she got to take it home this week and she was so proud! :)

and dance season ALWAYS includes more dance parties at home ;)


This is what us Bostonians love to see :)

Timehop...You're killing me...

I love you but I hate you too :/


Inner Peace

My bestie Beth Ann and I have enjoyed the peace seminar at church and this past Wednesday night we incorporated a nice dinner and wine beforehand so we could catch up and share some QT- priceless

Legally Blonde

Last night, Lea and I grabbed dinner and met up with one of our Wolverines faves and then we headed to the high school to meet up with Shannon and Bethany to see the WHS production of Legally Blonde- it was really cute!  Diana and some of her besties joined us too- such theater nuts! 
Who am I kidding?  We are all theater nuts!

That's a wrap!  Hope you all have an amazing weekend!

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thankful Thursdays (March 2019)

Hi Friends!  Hope you will join in on our Gratitude Train!  Today Patty and I are talking about being grateful...even during a long winter!

You will find our schedule below for our monthly topics.

Today's is a fun one.  Though it can be more challenging to find things to be grateful for, after several months of snow and cold and ice and blah....if you reach down deep, you can come up with at least a few things I am sure!

  This year, I am extra grateful because here in New England, I think we have finally reached Spring...and not just "on the calendar Spring" but for real....more daylight...warmer weather...outdoor fun Spring!!  Woohoo!

Regardless, here are a few things I have been grateful for over the past few months....

A much milder Winter than last year...snow and cold yes but no crazy big March storms that us New Englanders got blessed with in years past...like last year

A warm home

Great healthcare and a strong recovery for my mom

Coziness and snuggle time that is refueling us for outdoor fun just right around the corner.....

What are you thankful for? 

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