
Friday, August 30, 2013

Insta Friday (August 30, 2013)

Insta Friday....What my life was like this week through the i's of my i'phone yo ;)

PINK...thanks to the BFF!

Mass Past Time for Daddy's Bday

Birthday Girl Chewing Her First Piece of Gum!

Birthday Mermaid

1st Wolverines Game

UNH Moving Crew

Of Course Diana Wants to be a Pop Star for Halloween...she calls it a "Pop Pop Dancer"

Kindergarten Orientation


Off to Franklin Pierce :(

 1st Day!

Time for new ballet and tap shoes!

 My Loves

Our Beauty

2nd Day = Rainy Day

Hope you all had a GREAT week...we certainly had a crazy, emotional and busy week!

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Diana's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

So...how did we do?

She was SO EXCITED when she woke up...she actually woke up early and was squeeling!

She came down and had raisin bran for breakfast and then chilled out for a while watching her "shows"

Then we annoyed her by taking our obligatory photos outside...

After pix, she entertained us at the bottom of the driveway doing dances and cheers and singing songs
The bus was VERY late...I am sure that is typical for the first day....

Anyway...when the bus finally pulled up, she froze....I think she was thinking what I was...this is a big....bus...and the stairs are bigger than me!

I knew it was going to kill me anyway but when she got nervous my heart broke

We were so proud that she kept climbing though...determined to get on that bus!

and then the real goodbye....I was so worried for her...but I found out from a neighbor that her daughter sat with Diana and she put my mind at ease :)

When I picked her up, she said her FAVORITE part was the fact that she did not have to take a nap..she said she really is a big girl now!

I love you Monkey!

Weekly Gratitude

I am thankful for the chaos...as it exhausting as it is, it means I have my family around me and we have reasons to live life to the fullest and capture all of the memories

I am thankful for my daughter's love for cheerleading and the opportunity it has given her to make new friends

I am thankful for a steady and growing business...I never take it for granted

and Zach is off to college!

Just as expected, yesterday was a very tough day

But he is all moved in...all settled...nervous as hell but we KNOW he will thrive

He starts football today and I think he will have an instant brotherhood...the way he did in high school....stay tuned

We were able to snap a few pics in the midst of the hustle and bustle

Kindergarten Orientation

Kindergarten Orientation

Yesterday, Diana got to ride the bus (and I got to tag along) and 
then she was able to meet her teachers and see her classroom!

She had a BALL!

Here she is all ready to go!

and here she is riding the bus with neighbor Kate

Today she will be getting on he bus all by herself and going to her first day of school...I promise not to cry until the bus is out of sight

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving Ally back to UNH (Junior Year!)

All in all..things went smoothly...it is just never easy to say goodbye...but Ally visits alot so we shall be good :)

Diana's 1st Wolverine's Game!

No time to get depressed that her birthday is over...
it is time to CHEER for the Wolverines

and she did so well :)

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