
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Work Friends Un"wine" ding :)

I had my pals from work over on Friday night so we could unwind...vent and have a great time.

I whipped up dinner which consisted of Basil, Balsamic Grilled Chicken, Stuffed Shells, Barley, Corn and Arugula Salad and Onion Rolls. Kimmy and Fois brought delicious wine and Fois brought his famous brownies with espresso in them!

Jenny made a new friend in Diana...she will be a great mom some day...she always bonds with the kids because she is the biggest kid.

Boy did we have some laughs :)

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Michael Jackson 1958-2009

Michael Jackson has passed. It makes me very sad. He was one of the biggest musical/dance influences of my life and one of the biggest icons....I still remember making up dances with my friends to his songs. In addition to the dancing...I recall much screaming and crying every time he came on the screen. I also remember my mom saying, "I can't believe this...it is like the Beatles all over again..."

I will never forget that and will never forget this troubled soul. He had a difficult life and was the source of much media criticism. What is it like to feel that pressure to always perform perfectly? Who knows? What I do believe is that he is in a better place.

MJ- R.I.P- You will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Zack's 8th Grade Graduation.....

He is officially in high school....there is nothing more to say. We are still all in awe....we are very proud of him and his accomplishments.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shannon's Co-Ed Baby Shower

We had a blast! It was sooooo goood to see Shannon. I haven't seen her in a few years...she came back from Cali for a visit with her beau Tom. They will welcome Baby Tanner in two months!

Her parents through a fun co-ed shower at her mom's home in Peabody. Diana was beside herself...Shannon's nephew Joey shared all of his toys with her including her obsession ELMO!!!!

Enjoy the pix :)
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