
Friday, August 31, 2007

A Tribute to Diana

It has been 10 years...I still can't believe it. Princess Diana was one of my idols- she had a tough life...her heart was constantly breaking and she still conducted herself in a classy manner. She reached out to those in need and devoted her life to such worthy causes. She was beautiful-both inside and out and I will never forget how she touched me. If I have a daughter, her name will be Diana...after this wonderful woman and the most wonderful woman in my life...my mom :)

Diana- The Princess of the People- You are never forgotten!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And Then There Were Two...

BACK TO SCHOOL...Ah...great time of year...love the smell of new sneakers and the funky book covers and all the stories about the teachers...and most of all...the first day of school picture! This year, we are a bit melancholy...This is the first year Kayla is not in the picture :( Children grow, though, and we must let them go.....(Thank goodness we get to see her every day!)

"Moms and Mimosas"

Laurie Sweetser had her 2nd annual Moms and Mimosas event today. I got to catch a little bit of it before I met Zack (when he was getting off the bus).

Laurie is a dear friend from town, who I met through PTA. She is one of the most inspirational people to me- as busy as she is, she always finds time to volunteer and help people. She is one of those people that comes along and makes you want to be a better person.

So...she hosted 50 plus desperate housewives (just a joke ladies) today! As soon as I walked in, she made sure I had a mimosa in my hand...it was a ball...ladies from town chatting...exchanging feedback and opinions on teachers and what a spread!

It was such a nice little afternoon to celebrate the start of another wonderful school year.

Zack got his favorite dessert for his "first day of school after school snack." I made sure I was home to serve it to him (that is what vacation time is for ;) ) He asked for "Dirt Pudding" and got it! It consists of pudding, oreos, whip cream and gummy worms. After he ate it, I think he collapsed from exhaustion because when I came back from my walk at Griffin, he was snoring with Bambi on the couch!

Pictures of Today's festivities follow :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

PTA Pix...

We will be in the newspaper next week.....PTA Prez and her wonderful stepkids...The 3 reasons why she gets involved and fights for the best in education!! We had some fun...well we got pretty silly by the end...enjoy :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's Football Season Folks! (Don't I Sound Like Rob?)

Let the games begin....Zack is on the Jr Midget Pelham Windham Razorbacks this year...it is his 5th year playing and every year it gets more and more exciting...check out this tough guy! :)

The Fournier's Movie Night Al Fresco

While Rob headed off to a gig, the kids and I hopped on over to the Fournier's for a Movie Night. It was amazing! Cass and Steve set up a projector and screen outside in their backyard. As Ally put it, they have a "Celebrity Backyard"- beautiful yard and patio...a pool...the tiki torches all lit up and such comfy chairs to snuggle into...we watched Fracture and it was excellent! Thanks Cass and Steve (and of course the precious Alexis!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Daddy's Birthday!

My Dad turned 66- he doesn't even look 40! Seriously! I decided to go all out and make a gourmet several course meal! Every course, I made from scratch and I was actually proud that I pulled it off. I was trying reallllly hard to impress my parents :) Well I did AND I could not have pulled it off without that husband guy...he was a life saver! Thank you babe :)

We started with Watermelon Situation Cocktails as we snacked on Cream Cheese and Lox Stuffed Cucumbers as well as Eggplant Hummus with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips.

Our first course sitting down was homemade jumbo lump crab cakes with garlic aoili and warm popovers right out of the oven.

Dinner then consisted of Black Pepper Encrusted Tenderloin Steaks on the grill topped with Warm Goat Cheese, Corn and Barley Salad with Arugula, Tossed Wild Green Salad and Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes with Chives.

Dessert consisted of my mom's deadly chocolate chocolate chip pudding cake with marshmallow frosting and my homemade individual berry crisps with vanilla ice cream.

We pretty much collapsed and rolled out the door when we finished!!! Enjoy the pix that Rob took...I love when my hubby gets impressed with my cooking too...he LOVES when I get creative in the kitchen and loves even more when he gets to reap the benefits!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cocktails for Couples...

Saturday night we enjoyed a couples cocktail party at Casa Fournier. Cass and Steve outdid themselves. Everyone enjoyed all of Cass's homemade appetizers from stuffed mushrooms and crabcakes to bacon wrapped cocktail weeners and garlic bruschetta. Cass also made homemade chocolate covered strawberries- "delish!"

The guests enjoyed all different flavored martinis, wine and at the end of the night...oh yes...tequila shots.

The old Cassandra was back..."the pre-Alexis Cassandra" ...we even got a few dances out of her....hysterical.

Basil regaled us with his funny tales of the town folk ...always so shocking and we chilled out by the fire pit poolside :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

He Said Just Keep Counting Crows...

Forgive me if I get a bit nostalgic. Rob took me to a concert last night to celebrate our anniversary. It was three of my favorite bands- Collective Soul, Live and Counting Crows- what a triple bill! They are doing a "summer ballpark tour" and they played at the Fisher Cats Stadium in Manchester. We had a ball...one of the most comfortable venues we have been to and such a perfect night weather wise!

As I listened to the Counting Crows, I couldn't help to feel melancholy. The first time I heard them was during the Summer of 94 when I was working for Pro Source in Waltham (a small technical staffing firm).

It was the Summer before my senior year in college and I was editing resumes (gaining work experience in my field right?) Well..as the days of summer rolled on and the more I listened to my coworkers wheeling and dealing,..I kept thinking "hey I want to do that!" I begged some of the managers of the firm to hire me...they all said "you are crazy...go enjoy your last year of school..you will never get this time back...go have fun!" At the time, I was frustrated...just wanted to work..especially there. It was so much fun AND we listened to the Counting Crows' Album "August and Everything After" day after day so what more could I want?!

When I did give into their advice and realized it was not even up for negotiation with my parents, the team took me out for lunch for my birthday and gave me a card. They all had wonderful things to say and several people told me I could be a great recruiter some day. One message on the card stood out in my mind. Without having to tell him how much the music impacted me, Rod wished me well and told me how much he enjoyed having me around the office (and some other pleasantries) but he signed off by saying "Remember to Just Keep Counting Crows." Now any time I hear their music from this album..I think of that card (which I still have somewhere).

I am grateful for that time and the lessons I learned from the team at Pro Source. If I had stayed, I would have never received my degree or met my first husband. I would have never taught students from China how to read and write English. I would have never played the biggest part I ever played- Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls (which had been a life long dream!)

I would have never made the mistakes in my life both personally and professionally; mistakes which helped me to grow and become the person I am today. Most importantly, I would have never met my wonderful husband and stepchildren who truly make my life complete today.

I did go into recruiting and I am still in recruiting now...Oh God! I am scared to tell you that it has been over 10 years- EEK!

Now when I hear Rain King, I always go back to the Summer of 94...when I thought I knew everything and life couldn't get much better. I laugh now and think I don't even know half of what I hope to know 10 years from now!

I watch Kayla preparing for college in the fall and I get inspired by her confidence. I also chuckle when she gets indignant and preaches to Rob about all that she knows. I don't know what her song or band will be some day but I hope she can laugh the way I do now...and I will give her my best advice come September...Just Keep Counting Crows....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

3 Years Down!

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life! Today we celebrate three years married :) Thank you for showing me what it means to truly be loved and cherished babe! "I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone from your life. I’ve learned that ‘making a living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life.’ I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I’ve learned I still have a lot to learn. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." (Maya Angelou)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bannerman Pizza Party!

Jules and Cory came over last night and brought pizzas! We had a blast! Of course, Baby Caiden was the center of our universe! We had so much fun re-connecting and just chilling....it was such a nice family night :)

We also decided our next family get together will be a Harry Potter Party in the fall! We are going to rent all of the movies and just have a marathon!
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