
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Monthly Musings: Fall Fun 2023 Edition


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you stopped by!  We hope you will join us as we talk all things Fall and Halloween Fun!  We are answering the questions below...

Here we go!

1. Favorite Fall Traditions

Our Blackout Cancer Game and Events, Decorating with Pumpkins and Gourds and Mums, The Milford Pumpkin Festival, Hosting A Hocus Pocus Night for Friends, Risotto Night, Apple Picking, Halloween Fun with Lea and Trick Or Treating

2. How Do You Celebrate Halloween?

For years, we went to Lea's neighborhood and rode around on golf carts to Trick Or Treat- it was so fun!  Now that Eva is school age, she likes to Trick Or Treat with her pals and that is really fun too!  We do all tend to dress up as well ;)

3. Favorite Fall Recipes

Pumpkin Or Fall Cheese Ball



Caramel Apple Martinis

Autumn Chicken and Squash Risotto

Ghosts In The Graveyard

Apple Sauce Jumbles

4. Favorite Fall Fashion Pieces

Camel Leather Jacket


Army Green Jacket

5. How Do You Decorate For Fall?

Pumpkins, Gourds and Flowers Outside

Artificial Pumpkins, Fall Candles and Halloween Decor Inside


6. Pumpkin Spice? Oh Yes or Over It?

 Yes but I don't do the PSL at Starbucks- too sweet and just too much.  I like Pumpkin Spice Flavored Coffee (Black Not Sweetened)



7. Thoughts On Candy Corn?

Love it...in small doses...also love decorating with it :) 



8. Favorite Fall/Halloween Movie?

Disney's Ichabod Crane and The Headless Horseman (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow- Animated)



9. Apple Pie? Pumpkin Pie?  or Cider Donut?

Rob's apple pie- just once every year 



 10. Bonfire?  Hayride?  or Haunted House?

All Three Please! :)  Haven't done any of these in quite some time but hope to again!



That was fun!  Can't wait to read all about your traditions.

Here is our schedule for the rest of the year too- hope you will join us!


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What's Up Wednesday: September 2023


Hi Friends!  Can't believe the end of September is here!  WOW!  This month truly flew by!  It is time for my favorite linkup as we share What's Up With Us AND learn what's up with YOU!  Yeah!

Here we go! :)

What We're Eating This Week

So glad I prepped meals for this week since it is Blackout Week and I am out every night- eek!  It is ALL GOOD though as we raise funds and awareness for pediatric cancer

Monday Cheesy Chicken, Broccoli and Rice

Find the Recipe HERE


Tuesday Sheppard's Pie


Wednesday Chili Mac

Find the Recipe HERE


Thursday Breakfast for Dinner- Bacon, Egg, Cheese and Hashbrown Casserole


Friday- Eating at the BLACKOUT GAME!

What I'm Reminiscing About

Blackout Weeks of Past and how much this has grown over the last 12 years...so thrilled to be back at it with a wonderful team!

What I'm Loving


Our Town...always but especially right now during Blackout Week...seeing people wear their shirts...businesses getting involved with creative fundraisers....it is empowering and warms my heart!




 What We've Been Up To

We went back to school!  Hello 10th and 4th Grade!

 We celebrated Amanda and Nick's Wedding!

We enjoyed the last days of swimming for the season

The Birthday Celebrations Continued...we were spoiled by my parents with an awesome homemade pizza dinner and cake...needed to get a pic of my mom cutting the pizza with her kitchen scissors...a great memory from my childhood :)

and we relived Italy with breakfast at Tuscan and celebrated with friends at the Messina's too! :)

and freshy spoiled me too- ha!

Some of our favorite traditions started back up....dance classes with friends and another excuse for the parents to hang out ;)


Saturday Mornings at Starbucks before dance too!


We had a blast playing in the Martorana Strong Whiffle Ball Tournament with Friends- all to honor Jimmy!

and there have been lots of Sylvie Snuggles :)


Diana and I loved getting our "Fall Haul" at Trader Joe's!

and we have enjoyed a great Blackout Fundraiser- Special Drinks at Fuel Good in town!


There were more birthday celebrations...hope I don't sound too obnoxious- ha!

We loved Eva's Back To School Night!


and lunch dates with my main squeeze never get old


The Blackout Shirts came in and we got to work!


Someone is back on the ice!


and the grand finale of the 50th Birthday Celebrations was one of the best nights of my life...still makes me smile and treasuring these memories

Book Club at Laura's was a blast!  We read "Nora Goes Off Script" by Annabel Monaghan


We squeezed in more time with Zach while he was home and Remi was very excited :)

and Blackout Week is off to an amazing start!

What I'm Dreading

A doctor's appointment coming up...I think it is PTSD from all of the trauma last year but nonetheless will be happy when it's over and hoping for a good report

What I'm Working On

JOBS!  Finally busy again and if I don't make some placements soon I truly have to go in another direction because this is not working for me!!

What I'm Excited About 

Some upcoming Taylor Swift and Halloween Festivities with friends.  Kids keep you young for sure!

What I'm Watching/Reading

Going back to my favorite show of all time "Beverly Hills 90210"...just started it again from the beginning

and also enjoying "Suits"...I am on Season 2

My Two Books for September were

Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan

(Book Club Read and SO GOOD!)

and Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner

Another winner!

What I'm Listening To

A little bit of everything but still mostly Taylor Swift and Shania Twain :)

What I'm Wearing

Sneaking in just a little Lilly on the warm days

But since Fall has returned...you will find black in most of my outfits...ha!

including Blackout Attire

and the return of my Bonjour Witches Sweater ;)

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Friday Night is the Big Blackout Game!  Saturday I will be resting and recovering :)  Sunday we are doing brunch for Laurel's Birthday and then I will do some meal prepping in the afternoon

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Halloween Festivities :)

What Else Is New?

I think I covered it all!

Favorite Recent Amazon Purchase


Tee Shirt HERE Guess who is wearing this one?  Ha!


That's a wrap!  What's Up With YOU?

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