
Monday, January 30, 2023

Hello Monday (January 30, 2023)




Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by! 

If you blogged about your weekend, please grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

Before I get to the weekend...just want to share a few pics of my "kids" in every day life...first, taking Diana to school and getting a kick out of her drinking her water from her new "Stanley" cup..if you haven't heard of it...just jump on Tik Tok...sigh

Then Eva had the famous "Immigration Day" on Friday and had a blast...she dressed as a Lady from Italy and represented my heritage.  I also made a risotto for her class and she said the kids loved it so that made my heart happy :)

and "my son" sunbathing....one of his favorite past times ;)


and now....without further ado...

Here is what our weekend looked like...

Friday Night

We divided and conquered.  Daddy took Eva to the Family Faith Session and I took Diana to and from dance class.  It was a quick dinner of leftovers and early to bed.  Sorry no pics!

Saturday Morning

Daddy took Diana to dance and Eva to a softball pitching clinic.  

I left the house at the same time....

Later on, it was time for basketball and while the family was in the throws of our normal weekend routine, I got a big treat and got to escape with some besties for some girl time!  


First, my outfit :)


 We are off!

We headed to Mohegan Sun in CT for the Wine and Food Festival and had a blast.  I couldn't believe how crowded it was at Mohegan in general- it was great to see.  It is definitely such a fun wintertime destination- so much to do-restaurants, shops, shows, etc.

Before the festival, we grabbed a cocktail in Todd English's restaurant "Tuscany" which was in the main area so we could catch up AND people watch :)


Mohegan was all decorated for the Lunar New Year- such fun decor!

Then the famous sculpture- always loved it but had no idea the significance until my blogging friend Natasha dm'd me after I posted it on the IG!  

Here is the info:

Mohegan Sun commissioned a towering glass sculpture by world-renowned artist Dale Chihuly. Titled “River Blue,” the 10,000-pound masterpiece was created by combining extraordinary artistry with architectural skill.

Enjoying our cocktails- Cass and I shared the Limoncello Martini- thought I got a picture but I got the floor instead...sigh

Then we had a blast at the festival of course......

It was a much more casual festival than the others we have been to...we were joking about that but for people who don't like wine there were so many other options with different spirits and beers too!  We stuck to wine for the most part and tried two kinds of cocktails throughout the day

We also loved meeting famous chefs Michelle Ragussis and Maneet Chauhan!


We didn't even make it the entire time which is unheard of...we knew we needed to check into the hotel and get ready for our dinner which wasn't until 7:30 but we were rallying!

Meanwhile at home, the girls were doing their thang.  Pidge was all inspired by her pitching clinic and came home to workout a bit more :)

Diana was in dance class all morning and then YAGP rehearsals BUT called me because her RAD scores came in and she scored at the highest level again- Distinction.  She was so happy and relieved.  The kid kills me.  Puts so much pressure on herself. 

Back to Mohegan!  After getting ready and Uber'ing back to Mohegan, we walked around a bit...hit Tao which is a very cool place

We killed some time then finally got to our long awaited and much anticipated dinner at Michael Jordan's Steakhouse.  Friends?  One of the best meals I have ever had and SO WORTH my celebration/cheat meal for the week!  (BTW down 15 lbs and feeling great!)

We shared two apps- their house specialty which is garlic bread toasts with blue cheese sauce- incredible!  And our fave truffle fries of course :)

Then we all enjoyed filets and shared some awesome sides- roasted mushrooms and mac and cheese.

Laurel picked an amazing Cab for us to enjoy with dinner of course!

Sorry for the lack of dinner pics- I was tired and starving- ha!

After dinner...it was late and we crashed hard!


We took our time getting ready...chatting...laughing...so good for the soul and then Laurel drove us home.


Daddy took Eva to her hockey game down in Foxboro MA.

The rest of the day was spent going to hockey....dance...meal planning and grocery ordering....getting organized for the week and then finishing the weekend with mass.

I would consider it a very good winter weekend...what were YOU up to?

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Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Favorites (January 27, 2203)


Happy Friday Friends!  It was a busy week in the blogging world so today will be short and sweet with a few faves!

My Girls and Their Joy

We attended a meeting at WHS on Thursday night to talk about an overnight trip for Diana next December- she will be heading to Broadway with the theater company and the itinerary is jam packed- I am so jealous!  Two shows- Two dinners- Lunch at the Stardust Diner- A Broadway workshop class with industry pros and more...so fun!

and this little bugger with the cutest friends and playing in the snow...wish I had Pidge's outlook on life..I think we all should...she finds the joy in every day and lives life to the fullest :)


Giving this cute guy #NED a ride home one night this week....

Of course, after smelling the competition, we had to give ours a little extra love ;)

Fave Meal of the Week

I am LOVING zucchini in the air fryer!

Fave Author

Well one of them anyway..how come I just learned about this Hopeless series?  Can't wait to dive in!  Have any of you read these books?  Do you like Colleen Hoover?

My Babies

The flashback...the pain in my heart

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!  One week closer to spring!

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Monthly Musings: Beating The Winter Blues Edition


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you are here!  During the last Thursday of the month, we host this little linkup called Monthly Musings.  We chat about different topics each month.  Here is our schedule for 2023!

This month we are talking about how we Beat The Winter Blues!  I SO NEED your advice in this area- I dislike winter!

So...without further ado...here are the questions we would love for you to answer.....

Well...here goes nothing.....

1. Something you do for yourself to beat the winter blues?

I try to get into a show or two and binge watch so I am in the zone and not looking outside

2. Something you do for your family to bring JOY over the winter?

I would say a couple of special things on Valentines Day- we surprise the girls with treats at their breakfast plates and then try to dress festively

3. Favorite Cozy Items or Go-Tos?

I would say my UGG Slippers- have a black pair and a neon pink pair and really only wear them in the winter

4. Winter Exercise Habits or Practices?

My favorite wintertime exercise is heated yoga but this year I have enjoyed walking outside on the mild winter days.  It is so good for me both physically AND mentally :)

5. Do you practice journaling or meditation?

I really don't outside of my daily prayers and devotionals and blogging :)

6. Do you light candles or burn essential oils to relax?

Candles for sure...all year long but they make winter a little more cozy


One of my faves- Capri Blue Volcano Candle



7. Any bedtime rituals you would like to share that promote quality sleep?

Not really...can't wait to read yours!

8. What are your morning habits that help prepare for a Good day?

Time with God first thing- Blogging- then getting some work done and getting ahead of my day.

A productive day for me is spent with prayer- hard work- exercise- water and quality family time

9. Favorite Way to Spend a Day Off in the Winter?

Hmmm...Doing something with my girls?  Or sharing some Wine with My Girlfriends in a cozy place

10. Favorite Winter Themed Movies?

Serendipity- About Fate- Sex and the City


Oh I cannot wait to read all of your posts!

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