
Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday Favorites (December 8, 2022) "Glimpses Of Joy Edition"


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  It's the most festive time of the year right?  I decided to share my Friday Favorites which are "Glimpses Of Joy" from my week!


Linking up as always HERE





Eva has had a great week! She got to celebrate the birthday of one of her besties Lennon on Monday night


she has LOVED or maybe has been OBSESSED with following the elves every day!



and Miss Bethany surprised her with a wonderful gift from Dallas- a Christmas Ornament with all of the Presidents on it.  She exclaimed "it already has Joe Biden on it!" She cracks us up :)




Proud of this girl for rallying despite her depression associated with Nutcracker being over.  She got cast in her first high school show- a one act drama directed by a senior student called "A Reason To Live"

That seemed to give her a spring in her step again...she also attended a theater workshop that some senior students put on.  It is helping them prepare for their Mamma Mia auditions next week!

and she talked me into Starbucks one morning before school...it was fun to learn all about the theater "tea" at school...love when she is an open book...

Check out the moon!  We both snapped pics of this beauty on our way there

Mama's Time

Suggling up with the softest blanket ever that I won at my Favorite Things Party...love it so much...trying to keep Remi off it...but it's a challenge!

Yoga- Feeds My Soul

and a night of "Love Actually" Indian Food and PJ's with the Fab Four- FTW!

Amazing night with my girls


This one killed me...it was so amazing to have Prince William and Princess Kate in Boston last week...her green dress had me swooning...then I found this meme and I was toast!

That's a wrap!  Have an amazing and festive weekend friends!

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Maria Rineer said...

So much good stuff, Holly! Congrats to Diana in her role and good luck to her in the musical try outs. She's bound to get a great part ;). That president's ornament is amazing and what a great gift for the girl who loves all things presidents (which as a poly sci major I LOVE- I would have loved for one of mine to be that into the presidents!). Your blanket looks like it feels incredible. Hope you get lots of time to relax in it this weekend!

Sparkles and Lattes said...

What a great week. I love that Kate and Diana drawing. So beautiful. What a cool ornament.

Joanne said...

That is such a neat ornament and oh so perfect for your daughter! That girl's night sounds like the best.

My Glittery Heart said...

What a great week!!

My Glittery Heart said...

What a great week!!

My Glittery Heart said...

What a great week!!

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