
Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday Favorites: 2022- A Year of Favorites/Year In Review!


Hi Friends!  I decided to combine my Year In Review with My Favorites from 2022...so not everything is a favorite BUT I like to recap so I can look back.

2022 was a wonderful year for us as well as the most challenging for some different reasons....so here we go



Highlights/Faves Included: Diana's Winter Wonderland Dance

 and finding out the same night she had been cast as Sally in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown"



A Weekend In Ogunquit with Mum


A Visit To Chuck and Alice's Beach House (Eva's Godparents)


and Eva lost her first tooth! :)





Some highlights/faves included:

Watching Caden in Mamma Mia at Derryfield!




Diana winning FIRST Place in NH for the PTA's Reflections Competition in the category of Dance Choreography

Taking a Weekend Trip to Long Island and The Hamptons so Diana could work in her first film!


and we finished the month with an amazing trip to Aruba which has now become our favorite vacation spot!


Some Highlights/Faves Included: 

A St. Patty's Celebration in Boston with the Fab Four

The Return of the Daddy Daughter Dance and Eva and Daddy had a blast!


Diana and Mum reading at one of the Stations of The Cross Services

Diana and Ryan performed monologues from Charlie Brown at the School Board Meeting

We celebrated Mimi and Papa Bob's Birthdays at Zachary's!


and we loved watching the girls perform in the AAB Performance Awards at LDA!


Some Highlights/Faves Included:


The girls getting fitted for Kayla's Wedding :)


 Seeing Diana as Sally in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" at Windham Middle School



 A BEAUTIFUL Easter Weekend!


A fun food tasting and wedding practice for Kayla and Marshall

Eva Turning 8!

Seeing Diana rehearse as "Babette" in LDA's Beauty and the Beast

Taking the Girls to the Kennedy Museum and UMASS Dartmouth during April Vacation



This was one of my favorite months of the year as it usually is!


Some Highlights/Faves Included:



Diana enjoyed her 8th Grade Trip to Philly

Diana won a merit award at the National Level for the PTA Reflections Competition- she finally achieved her goal!

Mama celebrated Willmott's 40 Year Anniversary by walking in the Emerson Hospital 5K Cancer Walk!  It was so cold for May but we had so much fun as a team!

Pidge started her true love for softball!

We started our Mother's Day with a Chilly Walk on the Beach- our happy place :)


We celebrated Eva's Birthday with Some Besties


Mama enjoyed an amazing weekend on Nantucket with Besties

and a great lunch in Marblehead with our Founder

Eva received her first penance

and we had an awesome Memorial Day Weekend....

we kicked it off with a girls' night for Cass's Bday


then enjoyed watching Eva's tournament team playing softball all weekend long with the grandparents!

and had some grilling fun with The Batsons

and on Memorial Day we enjoyed watching Daddy march in his last parade

and jumped in the pool with our Dance Pals


This is the month that everything changed for me and my health...what started as small symptoms that I did not think twice about turned into much more...so you will see there was lots of joy but at the end of the month everything changed for me.....

But first...some highlights/faves:

Eva's 1st Concert Performance

Diana's 8th Grade Promotion Dance

Watching the Girls Dance in Beauty and the Beast- a wonderful show!


A Night of Student Excellence-

Diana was honored as the Winner of the PTA's Essay Contest

She got to meet with a Broadway Producer who is becoming an agent of sorts for her

Rob loved his last official graduation as a school board member

We watched Eva play even more softball!

and Diana loved seeing Wicked in Boston with her Bestie


Diana graduated from Middle School!

Zoe moved down South and Zach went for the ride down with her- bittersweet

and Eva finished 2nd Grade!


We created our Summer List!

We enjoyed Father's Day Weekend with Our Favorite Dads!

We enjoyed a quick overnight to NYC to see the 911 Museum but then to attend Diana's very first film premier- we loved every minute!

Diana and I attended my Uncle Al's Surprise Birthday and My Aunt and Uncle's Anniversary

While Rob and Eva attended her softball tournament

and this ended up being the day that my female health trouble would start

The next day we all attended Caden's Birthday Pool Party

We rounded up the month with one of our favorite nights all year- our town fireworks night

and I will always remember that my health troubles got even worse this day



The Highs AND Lows


We had another amazing 4th of July Weekend at the McLain's Lake House

It was at this point that my best friends pushed me to call my doctor and I am so glad they did- I got right in that week and got the tests started, the plan to follow and surgery scheduled

That week, I started going for tests while the girls started Triple Threat Theater Camp

I got to attend Kayla's Bridal Gown Fitting- such a special day!

We hosted friends at our pool!

We loved watching Eva continue with softball all summer!

and we enjoyed a weekend of theater- first Caden in High School Musical at Derryfield

and then WAG's production of The Little Mermaid


We enjoyed a day at the beach!


and then LOVED seeing the girls in the TTC Show- they did snippets of Sound of Music, Chicago, Spelling Bee and More! :)

and then enjoyed a couple of pool days...one for the moms....

and one for the kids!



MORE Highs and Lows


We loved seeing the girls' in the town theater camp's production of Sound of Music

and had another great beach day!

Then it was time to spend some quality time with my peeps at night...squeezed in all of the QT I could before my surgery

The girls enjoyed Dance Intensives at LDA

and they loved seeing a Beatles Cover Band with Daddy

We squeezed in one more family weekend and loved our time in Washington DC!

Diana and I made our 8th Annual Mommy Daughter Boogie Board Day happen!


We celebrated Papa Pete's Bday!


and we celebrated Finn's Bday!

We celebrated Diana turning 14!  (oh my gosh where does the time go?!)

and then I had my first surgery on August 25th- I say first because only supposed to be one surgery but due to complications, I was rushed back in two weeks to the day of my first surgery to have an emergency 2nd surgery but we will get to that

After my first surgery, my family helped me to recover at home...and of course recovery included watching the Nutcracker multiple times ;)

As I was recovering, I was able to attend Kayla's Bridal Shower- it was a beautiful day!



More Highs and Lows


The girls went back to school- Hello High School Freshman and 3rd Grader!

Extra Grateful for being Post Pandemic and back to school full time-will never take that for granted again!

Labor Day Weekend was spent celebrating my birthday with friends and family!

THEN I had a setback.  Two weeks to the day of my surgery I was rushed to the hospital with uncontrollable bleeding and whisked back into surgery.

My recovery the 2nd time was more rough since I had lost so much blood.  So I worked from my sofa with my feet up most of the time and took naps when I felt very weak.  I felt weak for several weeks so I really had to take it easy- it was a very scary time.

During this recovery, the girls returned to dance classes...

and...auditioned for the Nutcracker...

and then....Diana made her dream come true by getting cast as Clara AND Eva got cast as a solider and a reindeer...it was a wonderful day that helped me to stand up and get excited and feel slightly better! :) One of the best if not the best day of the year!

Then Eva won student council!

Starbucks Dates Started Again Before Saturday Morning Ballet Classes!

We celebrated Laurel's birthday with a wonderful dinner out

Eva loved "Fall Ball"

We enjoyed the first Nutcracker Cast Meeting with Introductions

The 11th Annual Blackout Fundraiser was Record Breaking and another amazing experience

Nutcracker Rehearsals Started!


and we celebrated Willmott being in business for 40 years!

Diana and Daddy enjoyed a Fleetwood Mac Cover Band!

and Nutcracker Rehearsals and Costume Fittings were really fun!





Some Highlights/Faves:



We hosted a Hocus Pocus 2 Night!

 and celebrated Daddy's Bday!


We squeezed in all of the fall fun....

From decorating....

To Mama and Cass's Annual Risotto Night...

and from The Milford Pumpkin Festival

to Apple Picking with The Fournier Girls

Eva returned to the ice!

We celebrated Alexis's Sweet 16th!

and Magen's 9th Birthday!


My Besties took me out for a night in Boston for my bday gift- a cocktail mixing class and dinner was on tap!

Diana won student council secretary for her class!

Eva had a blast at a Northeastern Women's Hockey Game with her bestie Lennon

Date Walks have continued and they are definitely still a highlight of my week :)

We had a ball watching the girls dressed up and giving out candy at the Windham Harvest Festival

and at the "Clara Photo Shoot" with Chuck Swierad the next day!

Eva made it to the championship game in softball!


We had a great night at Kayla and Marshall's Rehearsal and Dinner

and their wedding was just beautiful all around!

Remi went to 'doggy daycare' for the first time over the wedding weekend and survived BUT he is much happier with us at home of course :)

Mama had a blast at our Halloween Themed Wine Group!

and the actual Halloween night was a blast with Eva's pals


Highlights/Faves Included:

Sending off a legend and mentor

Decorating for Christmas- earliest ever!



Seeing Caden in The Outsiders at Derryfield

Diana on the Front Page!

Eva's Veterans Day Concert!

Hosting Clara's Nutcracker Brunch!

More Fun Nutcracker Rehearsals! (and Mimi getting to watch one day!)

Dr. Dan is just the BEST and helped fix Diana's overworked knee! ("Mom I can't believe you are taking a picture in here too-you're crazy")

Diana's 1st Homecoming Dance!

Sewing Alexis's Pointe Shoes

Eva's Hockey Pic- Brand New Team and Loving It!

Tech Crew Building The Nutcracker Set- Hi Daddy!

Prepping Clara's Hair for Tech Weekend

A Successful Tech Weekend!

A Very Special AND Different Thanksgiving Weekend






The GREATEST Nutcracker of All!

A Wonderful Celebration!

Night 2!

Cast Party!


Highlights/Faves Included:


Post Nutcracker Festivities....

Festival of Trees with Mum!

The Return of Our Elf Relf WITH His New Girlfriend...Snowflake ;)

My Annual Favorite Things Party

An Overnight in Boston with My Main Squeeze :)

Eva's Joy

Celebrating Lennon's Bday

and a President's Ornament from Miss Bethany

Diana's 1st Step into High School Theater!

and a Christmas Movie Night with the Fab Four at Lulu's

Eva asked Miss Lea to be her Confirmation Sponsor


and we had a fun overnight in Portsmouth with The Fournier Girls

We all had a ball at Aby's Winter Wonderland Bday Party!

and our Annual Batson Breton Christmas Exchange was the Perfect Little Night

Eva crushed the last two weeks of school before break with her "Italian Lady" Clothespin Project

and a Student Counsel Bracelet Fundraiser for Kids at the Elliot Hospital

Diana completed RAD Exams- now we wait for the scores!

and Lea and I celebrated Bethany's Bday with her!

Yoga got even better when our friend Rich started teaching

We were able to make all of our holiday traditions happen and it felt so good and felt truly back to normal....

Snacks and Drinks for our Delivery Drivers

Jammie Christmas

Visiting Our Loved Ones at the Cemeteries with a stop at Gingerbread Construction

and Zoo Lights with Mimi and Papa!

Diana went to see Harry in another Nutcracker- his fan club was in full force!

and we loved seeing and listening to Diana in the WHS Winter Choir Concert- it was outstanding


Eva really got into Spirit Week especially with her Elf Hat ;)

and the Fab Four did our gift exchange during a dinner at Zachary's this year- so fun!

and Eva had a blast at her Classroom Holiday Party

We made a special delivery to our local soup kitchen

We had a fun visit with Eva's Godmother Alice

and had a beautiful Christmas Eve AND Day with those we love most :)

and we are getting ready to spend New Year's Eve with Dinner at Our Friends' as we remember all we have to be grateful for!

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

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