
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Currently: December 2021




 Hi Friends!  Today I am joining Anne and sharing what is happening here....currently...


Everything in site....the family room, the kitchen, the dining room, my office, our bedrooms...we are up to 7 trees...I know I have a problem ;)


Kind of melancholy....I have the post-Nutcracker blues...and also missing some old family traditions that probably won't be happening now that COVID has changed everything


Well I wish I could tell you I am sending my Christmas cards but I am still in the process of addressing them



My favorite holiday candle- Yankee Candle's Christmas Eve




Oh not yet but I have to wrap a couple of gifts before the weekend as we are exchanging with the Fournier gals 


What is happening with you currently?

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Natasha said...

I'm sorry that your having to let go of some family traditions :( And, due to a couple of reasons, we might not even have one tree this year -- how is that possible?!?!?! We always have a live one and that doesn't work for us this year.

Maria Rineer said...

Hoping you give us a holiday house tour :). I have been busy doing a lot of the same things- decorating (tho not as many tress as you- that number is truly impressive!!), cards, getting in the scented spirit as well (I use holiday scented wax melts).

Joanne said...

I love that scent too! I keep saying I'm going to add more trees to the house but I never do; mostly because as much as I love them I don't love the idea of decorating them all by myself. (and I've already been warned that no one else is going to decorate more than 1! LOL).

Sunshine and Books said...

I love the Christmas Eve candle!! I’m sorry that you are letting go of some traditions! It’s so hard!! I know that you will make some great memories with your family and friends, even if you are starting new or filler traditions. I love that you have seven trees!! Keep ‘em coming! Follow that joy friend!!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I love a good candle. I don't know if I know this scent though. Thankfully I have most gifts bought and wrapped, but I'm waiting on some still.

Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

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