
Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Favorites (August 20, 2021)



 Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  Sorry I have been MIA this week...work is CRAZY...feel like I spent most of my summer in front of this darn computer...sigh...anyway...we certainly make up for that on the weekends around here!

Just a few faves to share with you this week...short and sweet...planning some great Back To School posts for you so promise I will be better about writing and sharing over the next few weeks!  For now, we are soaking up every last day of SUMMAH! 

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


Some Back To School Purchases

Chicken Soup for the Middle School Soul


This was recommended by our Middle School Principal and I gave it to Diana to give her some peace and understanding before she starts 8th Grade- wow- how did we get here??

Find it HERE

and I am following Heather's Lead for Our Back To School Dinner and we are going with this theme...

Let's Taco About Going Back To School!

Isn't this banner adorable?

Find it HERE
and this adorable guy for a centerpiece?

 Find him HERE

and this Cool Backpack for Diana

Find it HERE



 Random Favorite Things From This Week


New Cup from Lea


Visitor In Our Yard


A Surprise Smiley Face on my Starbucks Cup- sent it to a friend who sits on the Blackout Committee with me- this is her son's symbol- he passed from neuroblastoma and he always shows up with that smile


Eva has been living her best life ;)


Anniversary Flowers from my Hubby


Flowers From Our Yard- some of my fave all year!


Had to say goodbye to a work friend this week...one of the best...just really sad and then this shows up the same day in my Instagram feed

Summer Nights with Besties- Priceless





Just too cute for words...even when he is up to no good ;)



 Book Club #19

Last night, Melissa hosted our Book Club for our 19th book!  We read "The Last Thing He Told Me" by Laura Dave- friends?  Such an amazing read- thrilling so I flew through it- left me melancholy for the main character but such a compelling story- grab it today!

That's a wrap!  Have an amazing weekend friends.....can't wait to share our weekend with you next week!

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Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Funny I just bought my daughter Chicken Soup for High School/Teens. I also read The Last Thing He Told Me...it's a good one! Have a great weekend.

Melissa Friscia said...

Hi! Where did you get tat blue dress?
Thanks for all the blogs!

Sunshine and Books said...

Our pool book club was meeting about The Last Thing He Told me too - but we got rained out. It was so good! It is hard to say goodbye to work friends. I love your back to school decorations and new cup! I’m with you soaking up every last day of summer!! Enjoy!!

Good Better Best Food said...

You are not alone. I have spent most of June, July and half of August in front of my laptop. Enjoying a normal groove this week though.

Have the Best weekend.

Joanne said...

I loved that book too! Such beautiful flowers.

Lovely said...

The backpack is really pretty, and the taco theme décor pieces are so cool!

Holly said...

Thanks everyone! @Melissa Friscia I got the dress on Amazon!

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