
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Weekend Recap (August 31, 2021)


So because I took yesterday to recap Diana's Birthday Week...I am a day late in sharing about our weekend but here goes nothing!





Papa Bob took Diana out for lunch and that evening, I took the girls for their annual physicals so they are good to go with school!  This is so typical of the season we are in right now.  7 year old smiles?  Check!  13 year old/teenager resisting?  Check!  HA!


 After a busy week, we crashed hard that night.  We got takeout from Kumo and re-watched a couple episodes of Encore!  so Daddy could enjoy a few he didn't see.


Then when we thought we would be headed to bed, Remi gave us a big scare...he had a terrible allergic reaction to something..later determined most likely a bug bite...so one of his eyes swelled shut and half of his face was swollen..it was awful. Daddy rushed him to the emergency vet and they took good care of him.  He got an allergy shot, some Benadryl and a steroid and that seemed to do the trick...poor bugger....hate to see him like that!  Diana decided she would keep him company and sleep on the couch with him in my office...





I woke up, came downstairs and snapped a pic...seemed to do the trick...our boy was a happy camper again :)



I hit the grocery store for the weekend.  Then it was time for another date walk!


Then Eva had been hounding us to have a lemonade stand for charity..I promised her we would make it happen and the weather cooperated.  She decided that she wanted the proceeds to go to Blackout Cancer and we are proud to say that we will be writing a check for $175.00 to Project Blackout- love that she is already learning how to serve her community! We had advertised it on Facebook and had a blast getting visits from neighbors and friends all over town!


Later on, I did some prep for Sunday and then headed over to Lea's for a girl's night  while my family crashed!

Some of my fave ladies!


We headed to mass and then came home and got everything in order!  Our family joined us to celebrate Diana's birthday and we had a lovely day!

Linking up again with Hello Monday HERE

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Hello 13!

 Hi Friends and Happy Monday!


Today I am recapping Diana's 13th Birthday!  Yeah!  This is a big one and her last big shindig...until maybe 16 we shall see...she was celebrated all week long...


Last Monday, Big Sis Ally took Diana out for lunch and shopping...she was on Cloud 9 :)


One of the things she picked out= glasses just like Ally's ;)



Tuesday was her actual birthday and she enjoyed a day with her besties- a limo ride, nails and lunch complete with some yummy dessert and singing- the girls felt like rock stars!


My BFF Lea came to help me and we agreed that these girls were all so polite so really warmed my heart!  Here are a few pics...




On Thursday, Mimi took Diana out to do some school shopping and they also enjoyed a fun lunch at Johnny Rocket's :)

On Friday, Papa Bob took her out for one more birthday lunch and they loved their "deep conversation" ....warms my heart!

Yesterday, we hosted our family and Diana got one more birthday celebration....we did some apps and then got awesome takeout from our fave, Pasquale's and Kat made another amazing cake...Broadway themed...the day was complete with an epic family game of Family Feud (Marshall played Steve Harvey and we were dying!) and Karoke (Show Tunes of course!)


and then Marshall posted this on Instagram..we were dying...Remi sooo wanted to get in on some karaoke action- ha!!

That's a wrap!  I can't believe we have a teenager in this house!  




Linking up for Hello Monday HERE



Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Favorites (August 27, 2021)



Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  I have a big ole random mix of faves to share with you today!  I feel like this post is all over the place but hey!  Sharing the things that bring me JOY...here we go!

Faves from Janie

Janie spoiled me this summer...she knew I needed some extra love and kept surprising me with things that have quickly become some of my very faves....A Cape Cod Bracelet...a Monogram Bracelet from Anthropologie and this book about Friendships with your Girls...they all bring me daily joy

Happy Place

This is me when I am 100% happy with where I am....tanned...in a Lilly...near a beach...pure bliss!


This birthday girl lived it up this week and the festivities are not over- our family is celebrating on Sunday- birthday recap coming next week (side note: check out Remi in the second picture- I can't take it- ha!)


Oh Eva...I can't tell you how much peace this kid gives me....she knows that Rob and I have been super busy with work this summer and she has become so independent...she even learned how to make her own lunch...she kills me...she is just the easiest kid...and then she will just walk into my office and give me a random hug...really tugs at the heart strings...

Anyway...I know I am rambling but so need to document this...she wants to contribute to our Blackout Cancer efforts and has been begging me to do a lemonade stand...so we are going to make that happen for her on Saturday...

In the meantime, she is living her best life...has a social life greater than ours ;)

National Dog Day

Of course we had to honor Remi- Rem- The Rem Dog ;)


Nights of Girl Time

Time out with besties...complete with sharing a Lobster BLT and Cosmos?  Yes please!

and a wonderful dinner made by Cass for the Fab Four

Back To School

Diana and I organized her supplies two nights ago...helped her to decorate her binders....is it just me or do you wish you got to go Back to School too?  It is even more exciting this year knowing they will spend most of their time AT school...makes it that much sweeter :)

That's a wrap...enjoy the final days of summer my friends!
Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE
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