
Friday, December 31, 2021

Friday Favorites (December 31, 2021)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  Also, Happy New Year!

I think many of you out there are looking forward to moving on from 2021...we are too but grateful for the bright lights during another challenging year....


Hope though, however you are celebrating, you find some JOY!


Here are a few recent faves


 Heated Yoga for my physical AND mental health



RAD Exams

Someone feeling great about her work!  Now we wait for the scores!

and because she had to miss a day of school for the exams, she had to document herself making pancakes for Family Health and Consumer Sciences class...she got an A!

Pidge's 1st Hockey Tournament!


One of his brothers' families found us through Instagram and our breeder and sent us the cutest pic of them together right after they were born- our hearts are melting!

and him now- plants himself in a spot where he can see both of us working in our offices :)


and because I am always the first one up, I get to see Remi waiting for Daddy to wake up and feed him...this is him waiting patiently- so cute!


Best Weeknight Binge Watching

Emily In Paris- Season 2


Morning Show

New Lunch Spot

Balanced- in Windham- great smoothies and wraps and all around healthy fair- the girls loved when I surprised them by letting them pick out their lunches and we ate them at home- so good!

Buck A Shuck with My Betty Boop

The last Wednesday night of the month and we haven't been in so long-happens at my favorite restaurant- Surf in Nashua- delish and oh so fun!

Happy New Year Friends! I am praying for a healthy, happy and successful 2022 for us all!

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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Monthly Musings:


Hi Friends!  Not sure how many of you are out there this week but Patty and I had to wrap up our linkup this year with some fun New Years topics!  Hope at least a few of you will join us...and even if you don't this time, we hope you will jump in next year as we plan on continuing all this fun!  We are answering the questions above...here we go!


1. Favorite Moments of 2021


Oh this is a tough one but here are my top picks- VACCINES, YAGP and seeing Diana dance on stage for the first time in over a year- Celebrating Eva turning 7 with two celebrations because she missed out on a real birthday party in 2020- My trip to Aruba to celebrate my besties' 50ths- all of the filming for Wizard of Oz- My Dad's 80th Birthday Celebration Weekend on the Cape and the Nutcracker :)


 2. Favorite Vacations/Trips of 2021


Aruba- Portsmouth- The Cape


3.  Do I make New Years' Resolutions?  Do I want to share mine?


I think of them more as goals for the year and they are personal 


4. Did you have a word/phrase for 2021?  Do you have one for 2022?


Not really...outside of Follow The Joy :) 


5. Favorite Fashion Trend of 2021?

Cropped, distressed, mid rise jeans and dresses with booties 


6. Favorite phase of 2021?

Summer...as always...glad some things never change



7. Biggest Surprise of 2021?

My husband's career change- well sorta- new company- bigger accounts- onward and upward! 


8. Stay in or go out on New Year's Eve?

LOVE staying in- this year we have the best of both worlds- early dinner out with besties then home and Diana is having her tribe over so it will be a cozy night for the most part and I am looking forward to that!


9. Stay up until midnight or crash early?

We usually do make it until midnight...I will never forget last year's New Year's Eve...when the clock struck 12 and the ball reached the bottom of the pole and Pidge looked up at me and asked "does this mean that Corona Virus is gone?" Oh...my heart...this year I don't care for making it until midnight..but we shall see! 


10. New Year's Day- Football, Stay in Bed or Binge N Chill?


For Rob?  Football...for the fam...chilling...for Mama?  Annual Lunch with the Fab Four 


That's a wrap...can't wait to read all about your New Years Traditions! 



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