
Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Favorites

As always, linking up with Andrea, Erika and Narci HERE to share some of my favorites from this week

Before I get into the highlights, however, I wanted to ask you all to say a prayer for the victims and their families in Parkland Florida.  Another senseless tragedy...another school shooting...so very sad...scary...and leaving me with even more questions.

It makes me want to lead the charge in my hometown and add even more safety measures and precautions in our schools...our children should always feel safe...how was this man allowed back on campus?  How did he get into the school?  Especially since he was already deemed a threat...just senseless...all we can do is pray for answers...hope...and steps in the right direction.

Here are a few bright spots in my week....

Valentine Love

My loves were all around me...squishes my heart...Daddy spoiled us all with chocolates and cards and such...again squishy heart here....

and "Auntie Janie" spoiled the girls with stuffed animals and MORE chocolate....and yes Papa Bob did some spoiling too! :)

Clinique Lip Gloss

My new fave thanks to my friend Bethany.  It is the Marimekko Pop Splash Lip Gloss + Hydration
and I snagged it in Caramel Pop- perfect coffee color with a hint of sparkle!

Ash Wednesday

The beginning of the cleansing and repenting and remembering why we are all here.  This is my favorite time of the year in the church.

My Girls

Living through their eyes and their joy....

Trader Joe's Everything Bagel Sesame Seasoning

Oh my!  Thanks to my BFF Cass and some fellow bloggers, I snagged a bottle of this and know it will not last long.  I plan on using it on avocado toast...eggs...veggies...and Rob can't wait to smear his on a buttered croissant!


Is there anything cuter than a little girl getting her nails painted for the first time?  I took Pidge last night for her nails...she was so excited and so patient and felt so grown up.  I thought it was the perfect time to do it in preparation for the Daddy Daughter Dance "Dotty Dance" as we call it on our house.  She is going to have so much fun with Daddy on Sunday night!

That's a wrap!  Hope you all have a blessed weekend!

*Side Note, you  may notice my blog looks a little different.  Yesterday, all of a sudden, my design was missing..missing!  I contacted my blog design company and never heard back so I decided it is now time to engage a new designer.  This is a temporary template right now...not the best...but at least I can write and read my content.  Stay tuned for my new design*

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Rechelle said...

All the praise hands for that TJ seasoning, I'm obsessed too! And your little girl getting her nails painted is just the cutest :) Bummer on the blog design but I can't wait to see the new fabulous design soon!

Jaclyn Musselman said...

Love everything seasoning!! We use it for everything. Good luck on your website design..does not sound fun!

Alex M-S @ Commas & Carbs said...

Definitely need to look into that lip gloss--what a pretty color! And what a sweet nail date, I love how happy she looks!

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