Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Christmas Home Tour Edition

What a year of Show and Tell Tuesdays it has been!  I have had so much fun linking up with Andrea.  I hope she continues this for years to come!

In January, I talked Steals and Splurges HERE 
In February, I introduced you to my LOVES HERE 
In March, I shared my favorite Kid Parties HERE and my most embarrassing moments HERE 
and my 5 Favorite Pictures HERE
In April, I talked Prom HERE 
and in May, I went down Memory Lane HERE
and talked Travelogues HERE
In June, I talked "The Struggle Is Real" HERE and shared a Home Tour HERE
In July, I shared my Best Recipes HERE and What's On My Phone HERE
and in August, I talked BEST DAY EVER HERE 
In September, I shared What's In My Bag HERE 
and my Reverse Bucket List HERE 
In October, I shared A Day In The Life HERE 
and talked about my FAVE holiday HERE 
In November, I shared how we Serve Others HERE and talked Want, Need, Wear, Read HERE

and now, in December, we are talking about our Christmas Decorations and doing a Christmas Home Tour.  Linking up with Andrea HERE

So...not much has changed from last year so I am linking up to last year's post HERE 

You can see how we decorate in the link above...everything looks mostly the same this year!
These are my must haves in my home each Christmas Season:

2 Christmas Trees on the first floor

1 Christmas Tree on the second floor
Live Greenery and candles in our kitchen

"Relph" The Elf hiding out in different places!
Christmas trees with lights and live greenery with lights out in our yard
Christmas Eve Yankee Candle burning in the kitchen and my office so we can smell the magic and
Hallmark Romance Christmas Movies on TV !

Check, check, check! Can't wait to see how you decorate :)


  1. LOVE that white tree! What yummy appetizer do you have in your kitchen picture?! Merry Christmas!!

  2. Loving the multiple trees! And yes, of course Hallmark movies ;)

  3. Jaclyn- thank you! The white tree is in my office so I get to look at it all season and it makes me happy :) The appetizer in the kitchen is a caprese wreath- you make a wreath out of fresh rosemary and then fill it with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella balls and basil and serve it with some balsamic vinegar for dipping! Easy, festive and delicious :)

  4. Recehelle- glad we are on the same page ;)
